September 1, 2009

冷ます vs 冷やす


The typhoon #11 has been gone, it was not that bad than we have heard which was good.

Today I have a quiz for you.
What are the differences between 「冷(さ)ます」 and 「冷(ひ)やす」?

The followings are from the
online dictionary which I use quite a lot :

cool down // damp down(熱意を)
【他動詞(transitive verb)】
1. chill
2. cool

cool down

【他動詞(transitive verb)】
1. chill
2. cool
3. refrigerate(食料・飲料などを保存するために= in order to preserve beverages and foods)

Seems like English translations are almost the same.
I think this is one of the difficult parts that you find right words when you write/speak.

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