September 15, 2009

Japanese First Lady rode on a UFO?


I am not writing about politics here but one thing that I would like to write about is incoming Japanese first lady, Miyuki Hatoyama.
Ok, here is an article of Yomiuri Online.

Mrs. Miyuki Hatoyama

Ms. Hatoyama rode on a UFO? captured American Media attention
(Sep.5, 2009 11:52 Yomiuri Shimbun)

US Media pay attention to Japanese incoming Prime Minister Hatoyama who is the head of the Democratic Party, but also they have a strong interest in Mrs. Hatoyama, Miyuki.
CNN introduced her she said “My soul road on a UFO and went to Venus“, "I am eating the Sun” or “Tom Cruise was Japanese” titled “Spacey new first lady”

CNN News :


(2009年9月5日11時52分 読売新聞)

- words & phrases –
UFO :  unidentified flying object
鳩山(はとやま)夫人(ふじん): Mrs. Hatoyama
米(アメリカ)メディア: American Media
注目(ちゅうもく): attention
幸(みゆき)夫人: Mrs. Miyuki (Hatoyama)
首相(しゅしょう): prime minister
就任(しゅうにん)する: assume, be installed
予定(よてい): scheduled
民主党(みんしゅとう): the Democratic Party
代表(だいひょう): the head
強(つよ)い関心(かんしん)を持(も)っている: have a strong interest
風変(ふうが)わりな: odd, weird, strange
著書(ちょしょ): books (that she wrote)
寝(ね)ている間(あいだ)に: while I am sleeping
魂(たましい): soul
UFOに乗(の)って: took/rode a UFO
金星(きんせい)に行(い)った: went to Venus
太陽(たいよう): the Sun
発言(はつげん)をした: said
紹介(しょうかい)している: introduced


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