July 8, 2009

「ネトゲ廃人」 someone who is addicted to online games so that he cannot live normally

みなさん こんにちは!!


増える「ネトゲ廃人」 退学、退社、離婚…それでも「やめられない」
2009.6.30 18:34
MSN News, rewrite)


- words & phrases -
参加(さんか)する: to participate
健全(けんぜん)な生活(せいかつ): healthy life
ネトゲ: ネットゲーム
廃人(はいじん): someone who cannot live normal life
ネトゲ廃人: someone who is addicted to online games so that he cannot live normally
ネット上(じょう)で: on the Internet
昼夜(ちゅうや)逆転(ぎゃくてん): day-night reversal
退学(たいがく):flunk out of the school
退職(たいしょく):quit a job
離婚(りこん): divorce
最近(さいきん): these days
小学生(しょうがくせい): elementary school kids
管理(かんり)する: to manage, to control
心配(しんぱい)されている: (passive) to be concerned

The number of people who plays “Online Games (Net Games)” for long hours who cannot live healthy lives are increasing.
Which is the shocking name for them and they live day-night reversal so that are kicked out of school or office, or it cause divorce.
Elementary school kids are increasing to play it and concerned about they cannot control their money or time.

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