October 4, 2010

about study Japanese 日本語の勉強について



I will write about study Japanese today.
First of all, you need to understand “It takes time to study language.”
Especially Euro-American languages and Japanese are very different, it is much harder to learn Spanish for English speakers, for example.
Also if one who didn’t know Japanese at all says “I went to Tokyo to see a movie and then had dinner afterwards”, other people around him think his Japanese improved very much.
(He who works during day time can make the sentence in about 3 months with twice a week lessons.)
But if ones who are now at JLPT N4 or N3 level, nobody including himself would feel his Japanese was improved.
(to be continued )

  今日: today
  日本語(にほんご)の勉強(べんきょう): study Japanese 
  ~について: about ~
  書(か)きます: will write
  最初(さいしょ)に: first of all
  言語(げんご): language
  時間(じかん)がかかります: it takes time
  ~ということを理解(りかい)する: to understand what ~
  必要(ひつよう)があります: you need to, require
  特(とく)に: especially
  欧米系(おうべいけい): Euro-American
  全然(ぜんぜん)違(ちが)います: very different
  例(たと)えば: for example
  英語(えいご)話者(わしゃ): English speakers
  スペイン語(ご): Spanish
  (Verb Plain From) + 場合(ばあい): case
  大変(たいへん)です: hard
  また: in addition, or, besides
  全然(ぜんぜん)知(し)らなかった人(ひと): one who didn’t know at all
  昨日(きのう): yesterday
  went to Tokyo (and)… (Te-Form connective)
  映画(えいが)を見(み)て: watch a movie (and) … (Te-Form connective)
  食事(しょくじ)をしました: had meal
  ~というセンテンスを作(つく)ったら: if (he) make the sentence (of ~)
  周(まわ)りの人(ひと): people around
  上手(じょうず)になった: improved
  ~と思(おも)うでしょう: people around him would think that ~
  普段(ふだん): usually
  仕事(しごと)をしているビジネスマン: business person who works usually
  1週間(しゅうかん)に2回(かい)ぐらい: about twice a week
  レッスンをする: takes lessons
  3カ月(さんかげつ)ぐらいで: within about three months
  ~が作(つく)れるようになります: becomes to make ~
  でも: but
  今(いま): now
  同(おな)じスピードで: with the same speed
  ~ても: even if ~
  感(かん)じる: feel, sense
  このように: as you see
  ~によって: depends on
  つづく: to be continued

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