October 11, 2010

基礎は大切  basics are important


I am always writing my Blog in N4 level (both grammars and Kanji), it is not difficult if you finished Minnano Nihongo or Japanese for Busy People.
(News are different.)
Incidentally, I explained you “It takes long time to study language” and also introduced a proverb “Haste makes waste”.
I could understand if one passed N5 he wants to proceed to N4, N3.
And some people need N2 or N1 for their jobs.
Study language is “Step-by-step” so basics are very important.
Some people whose levels are N2 or N1 but they sometimes need to go back to N4 or N5 because they do not understand the basics.
It is waste of time and energy.
Study the basics up to N4 level well so it will be easier for you later.

私のブログはN4レベル(文法も漢字も)でいつも書いていますから、「みんなの日本語」や”Japanese for Busy People” が終わった方は、難しくないと思います。
   私(わたし)のブログ: my blog
   文法(ぶんぽう): grammars
   漢字(かんじ): Kanji
   AもBも: also A and B
   書(か)いています: I am writing
   ~が終(お)わった方(かた): one who fished ~
   難(むずか)しくない: not difficult
   ~と思(おも)います: I think that ~
   別(べつ): different, not the same
   ところで: by the way, incidentally
   前(まえ)のエントリー: former entry
   言語(げんご): language
   勉強(べんきょう): study
   時間(じかん)がかかる: takes a lot of time
   ~と説明(せつめい)しました: I explain that ~
   そして: and, then
   急(いそ)がば回(まわ)れ: Haste makes waste.
   ことわざ: proverb
   紹介(しょうかい)しました: introduced

   N5が受(う)かれば: if one passed N5
   次(つぎ)のレベル: next level
   行(い)きたい気持(きも)ち: feelings that one wants to move to
   ~もわかります: I could understand too ~
   仕事(しごと): job, work
   ~が必要(ひつよう)な方(かた): one who needs ~

   基礎(きそ): basics, fundamentally
   大切(たいせつ): important
   戻(もど)って復習(ふくしゅう)する: one needs to be back to ~ to review
   ~することもあります: it sometimes happens
   でも: but
   無駄(むだ)な: waste
   後(あと)で: later
   絶対(ぜったい)に: for sure
   楽(らく)ですから: easy
   ~ても: even if
   しっかり: firmly

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