October 30, 2010

天気予報 台風14号 weather forecast Typhoon #14



We will read weather news today.

   今日(きょう): today
   天気(てんき)予報(よほう): weather forecast
   読(よ)んでみましょう: let's (try to) read
N2の文法がありますね。 がんばってください!
   文法(ぶんぽう): grammars

The Typhoon #14 is heading to northeast direction which is now located in the west-southeast of Hachijo-jima island as of 11am.
It is expected to reach to Kanro region the most in the evening, the Meteorological Agency is warning heavy rain.
The strong-wind area of the typhoon #14 is getting wider.
From Shikoku island to Kanto region are in the strong-wind area, over 15m/second, it seems like it will keep blowing long even after the typhoon will have been gone.
From now on, in the even to 9pm, it will reach to Kanto region or land.

MBS News

   午前(ごぜん)11時(じ)現在(げんざい): as of 11am
   八丈島(はちじょうじま): Hachijo-jima island
   西南西(せいなんせい): west-southwest
   北東(ほくとう)方向(ほうこう): northeast direction
   進(すす)んでいます: is moving
   夕方(ゆうがた): evening
   関東(かんとう): Kanto region
   最(さい)接近(せっきん): reaches the closest
   ~とみられ: is considered
   気象庁(きしょうちょう): Meteorological Agency
   大雨(おおあめ): heavy rain
   N2 ~に対(たい)する: against, about
   警戒(けいかい)を呼(よ)びかけている: giving a warning
   強風(きょうふう): strong wind
   域(いき): area, zone
   どんどん: rapidly
   広(ひろ)がっている: is getting wider, bigger
   ~が特徴(とくちょう)です: has a charactaristic
   四国(しこく): Shikoku island
   関東地方(ちほう): Kanto region
   広(ひろ)い範囲(はんい): wide range
   風速(ふうそく)15メートル: 15m/second
   以上(いじょう): over, more than
   抜(ぬ)けた後(あと): after it passes
   長(なが)い間(あいだ): for a long time
   風(かぜ)が吹(ふ)く: wind blows
   N2 ~ことになりそうです: will probably end up
   N2 ~から~にかけて: from~till~ (range with a vague beginning and end)
   もしくは: or
   上陸(じょうりく)する: to land
   N2 恐(おそ)れがある: something bad is likely to happen

October 24, 2010

あなたも「寿司職人」になれます! You will be a Sushi Chef!



You will be able to be a “first class Sushi Chef”!
Tokyo sushi Academy has a 8 weeks Sushi Diploma course, 905,800yen(US$1000) with knives.
Speaking of Japanese cuisine, Sushi is very popular like it comes first to your mind and very popular.
It could be a good idea to start a business in your country when you will be able to speak Japanese and then become a Sushi Chef.

   一流(いちりゅう): first class
   寿司(すし)職人(しょくにん): Sushi Chef
   包丁(ほうちょう)つき: with/including knives
   8週間(しゅうかん): 8 weeks
   卒業(そつぎょう): graduate
   日本料理(にほんりょうり): Japanese cuisine
   ~といえば: something that comes to mind when speaking on ~
   人気(にんき)がある: popular
   ~が話(はな)せる: can speak ~(language)
   ~になる: become ~(occupation)
   国(くに): country
   ビジネスを始(はじ)める: start a business
   ~もいいかもしれません: it could be also good (suggesting softly)

Almost of programs are hands on program with Japanese students.
Instructor who can speak English help your understanding.

1st Week
• Orientation
• How to sharp and maintenance knives
• Small fish preparation practice
• How to make sushi rice
• How to make nigirisushi
• Slice from fillet
• Thin roll

2nd Week
• Thin roll practice
• Shrimp preparation
• Frozen tuna preparation
• Squid preparation
• Nigiri practice

3rd Week
• Sea bream preparation
• Yellow tail preparation
• Tsukiji fish market tour
• Nigiri practice
• Vegetable cutting practice( cucumber )

4th Week
• Salmon preparation
• Octopus preparation
• West side of Japanese sushi
• Rolls
• Another traditional Japanese ingredient
• Omelet(Tamagoyaki)
• Exam

5th Week
• Kohada preparation
• Flounder preparation
• Vegitable cutting for advance
• Thin roll
• Traditional Japanese design roll
• Sushi chef hospitality and serve practice

6th Week
• Sea eel preparation
• Salmon preparation
• Frozen salmon preparation
• Sashimi practice and variety
• Sashimi exam

7th Week
• Japanese cuisine 1 tonkatsu, fried shrimp
• Japanese cuisine 2 soup, sauce, dressing etc
• Japanese cuisine 3 tempura,chawanmushi
• Sashimi review

8th Week
• Shells preparation
• Tuna preparation
• Nigiri exam
• Seasonal seafood preparation
• Review
• Sushi chef hospitality and serve practice
• Graduate


October 22, 2010

JLPT過去のデータ JLPT Past Data



JLPT過去4年のデータです。 JLPT Past 4 years data.
今度12月のテストはどうでしょうか。 がんばってくださいね!

         応募者数    受験者数    認定者数  認定率(%)
N1(1kyu)  Applicants   Examinees   Certified   Certified (%)
2010 July      26,225      23,694        9,651      40.7%  
2009   Dec        46,648          41,998        12,293          29.3%
2009   July        29,274          26,578        11,738          44.2%
2008   Dec        52,992          46,953        18,454          39.3%
2007   Dec        47,791          42,923        14,338          33.4%
2010  July       24,738     23,126    13,768    59.5%
2009  Dec       36,528     33,807    12,462    36.9%
2009  July       26,437     24,793      9,279    42.8%
2008  Dec       41,924     38,040    16,289    42.8%
2007  Dec       34,782     31,805    11,884    37.4%
2010 July      6,947      6,280      3,051    48.6%
2009 Dec   17,703    16,675      9,360     56.1%
2008 Dec   22,016    20,351     13,304      65.4%
2007 Dec   16,808    15,710      8,664     55.1%
2009 Dec    3,212      2,932      2,155     73.5%
2008 Dec    4,524     3,903      2,765     70.8%
2007 Dec    3,908     3,383      2,332     68.9%


October 21, 2010

how to expand your Japanese vocabulary 日本語の語彙力をアップさせるのには


If I would ask you “how can I expand my English vocabulary?” I wonder what your answers are.
I think most of people would probably answer reading newspapers or books.
On the contrary, if one was asked how to build Japanese vocabulary then the answer is most likely “to study Kanji” if he is a Japanese teacher.
I think it is very systematic because you can learn 4-5 vocabulary when you study one Kanji,
And also you can study Kanji step-by-step because Kanji books are sorted from easy to difficult ones.

   もし~たら: if
   語彙力(ごいりょく): word-hoard, lit meaning “power of vocabulary”
   アップさせる: to increase, to make it higher
   答(こた)え: answer
   何(なん)でしょうか: politer/softer for「何ですか」
   多分(たぶん): probably, maybe
   新聞(しんぶん)や本(ほん)を読()む: to read newspapers or books
   ~と答える人: one who answer that
   多(おお)い: many
   ~と思(おも)います: I think that
   反対(はんたい)に: on the other hand, on the contrary
   日本語(にほんご): the Japanese Language
   聞()かれたら: if I am asked
   日本語教師(きょうし)なら: if he/she is a Japanese teacher
   間違(まちが)いなく: definitely, lit meaning is “there are no mistakes”
   漢字(かんじ)を勉強(べんきょう)する: to study Kanji
   難(むずか)しい: difficult
   AからBになる: becomes from A to B

October 17, 2010

もうすぐJLPT JLPT is coming soon



I have had some students who took JLPT 1kyu or 2kyu every year.
But I do not feel like JLPT is coming soon this year because I have only one student takes N3 this year, but it is in one month a little.
Gambatte kudasai for all of you take it!
I guess maybe you should start to practice past papers or practice exams in order to familiarize yourself with the exam.
If you do not know what the test looks like, you might write your correct answer in wrong way/place and lose your points.
It is a pity if you have an ability to pass it.
And make plans how long you should take on which questions considering your likes and dislikes or strong and weak abilities.

   毎年(まいとし): every year
   生徒(せいと)さん: students
   担当(たんとう)している: my students (in this context),
   person in charge
   今年(ことし): this year
   私(わたし)自身(じしん): myself
   あまり感(かん)じがしない: do not feel like
   あと1カ月(いっかげつ)ちょっと: a little bit more over one month
   受験(じゅけん)するみなさん: everybody who will take the exam
   そろそろ: it’s about time
   ~に慣(な)れる: familiar, get use to it
   ~ように: in order to
   過去(かこ)問題(もんだい): past exams
   予想(よそう)問題: practice exams, mockup exams
   始(はじ)める: to start
   実力(じつりょく)がある: have abilities
   ~ても: even if
   どんなテストなのか: what is the exam like
   ~がわからないと: if you do not know ~
   わかっているのに: even if you know it
   書(か)き方(かた): how to write
   間違(まちが)えたら: if you would make a mistake
   もったいない: what a pitty,
   また: or, and
   自分(じぶん)の: you
   得意(とくい)・不得意(ふとくい): likes and dislikes
   考(かんが)える: to think
   時間(じかん)をかける: takes time
   計画(けいかく)をたてる: make a plan


October 11, 2010

基礎は大切  basics are important


I am always writing my Blog in N4 level (both grammars and Kanji), it is not difficult if you finished Minnano Nihongo or Japanese for Busy People.
(News are different.)
Incidentally, I explained you “It takes long time to study language” and also introduced a proverb “Haste makes waste”.
I could understand if one passed N5 he wants to proceed to N4, N3.
And some people need N2 or N1 for their jobs.
Study language is “Step-by-step” so basics are very important.
Some people whose levels are N2 or N1 but they sometimes need to go back to N4 or N5 because they do not understand the basics.
It is waste of time and energy.
Study the basics up to N4 level well so it will be easier for you later.

私のブログはN4レベル(文法も漢字も)でいつも書いていますから、「みんなの日本語」や”Japanese for Busy People” が終わった方は、難しくないと思います。
   私(わたし)のブログ: my blog
   文法(ぶんぽう): grammars
   漢字(かんじ): Kanji
   AもBも: also A and B
   書(か)いています: I am writing
   ~が終(お)わった方(かた): one who fished ~
   難(むずか)しくない: not difficult
   ~と思(おも)います: I think that ~
   別(べつ): different, not the same
   ところで: by the way, incidentally
   前(まえ)のエントリー: former entry
   言語(げんご): language
   勉強(べんきょう): study
   時間(じかん)がかかる: takes a lot of time
   ~と説明(せつめい)しました: I explain that ~
   そして: and, then
   急(いそ)がば回(まわ)れ: Haste makes waste.
   ことわざ: proverb
   紹介(しょうかい)しました: introduced

   N5が受(う)かれば: if one passed N5
   次(つぎ)のレベル: next level
   行(い)きたい気持(きも)ち: feelings that one wants to move to
   ~もわかります: I could understand too ~
   仕事(しごと): job, work
   ~が必要(ひつよう)な方(かた): one who needs ~

   基礎(きそ): basics, fundamentally
   大切(たいせつ): important
   戻(もど)って復習(ふくしゅう)する: one needs to be back to ~ to review
   ~することもあります: it sometimes happens
   でも: but
   無駄(むだ)な: waste
   後(あと)で: later
   絶対(ぜったい)に: for sure
   楽(らく)ですから: easy
   ~ても: even if
   しっかり: firmly

October 9, 2010

日本語の基本文法について Japanese basic grammars



Today I will write about “Japanese basic grammars”.
It is said that there are about 100 Japanese basic grammars which you study with the textbooks like “Minnano Nihongo 1&2” or “Japanese for Busy People 1-3”
When you become to be able to use all of them, it is “daily conversational level” which is JLPT N4 Level.
The number of vocabulary and grammar level is related for any language, , you know about 1500 words and 300 Kanji when you are at N4.
Therefore, there is no meaning to go through only grammars quickly for JLPT.
“More haste, less speed” (proverb)

   今日(きょう)は: today
   日本語(にほんご)の基本(きほん)文法(ぶんぽう): Japanese basic grammars
   ~について: about ~
   書(か)きましょう: will write
   約(やく): about
   個(こ): counter for small object
   ~と言(い)われています: it is said that ~
   verb plain + と言われています
「みんなの日本語1&2」や「Japanese for Busy People 1~3」 で勉強する文法です。
   ~で: with, by, using
   勉強(べんきょう)する文法: grammars that you study
   そして: and, then,
   全部(ぜんぶ): everything, all of them
   使(つか)える: can use, (potential form)
   日常(にちじょう)会話(かいわ)レベル: daily conversational level
   ~になる: become ~
   どの言語(げんご)でも: any language
   言葉(ことば): words, vocabulary
   数(かず): number
   関係(かんけい)している: related
   漢字(かんじ): Kanji
   ~はずです: supposed to ~
   ですから: therefore
   ~のために: for
   急(いそ)いで: quickly
   ~だけ: only ~
   ~ても: even ~
   増(ふ)やせない: cannot increase
   あまり+ negative: not really
   意味(いみ)がありません: there is no meanings
   急(いそ)がば回(まわ)れ: More haste, less speed.
                    Hast makes waste.
                    Slow but steady wins the race.
                    Rushing things will cost you more time in the end.
   ことわざ: proverb

October 4, 2010

about study Japanese 日本語の勉強について



I will write about study Japanese today.
First of all, you need to understand “It takes time to study language.”
Especially Euro-American languages and Japanese are very different, it is much harder to learn Spanish for English speakers, for example.
Also if one who didn’t know Japanese at all says “I went to Tokyo to see a movie and then had dinner afterwards”, other people around him think his Japanese improved very much.
(He who works during day time can make the sentence in about 3 months with twice a week lessons.)
But if ones who are now at JLPT N4 or N3 level, nobody including himself would feel his Japanese was improved.
(to be continued )

  今日: today
  日本語(にほんご)の勉強(べんきょう): study Japanese 
  ~について: about ~
  書(か)きます: will write
  最初(さいしょ)に: first of all
  言語(げんご): language
  時間(じかん)がかかります: it takes time
  ~ということを理解(りかい)する: to understand what ~
  必要(ひつよう)があります: you need to, require
  特(とく)に: especially
  欧米系(おうべいけい): Euro-American
  全然(ぜんぜん)違(ちが)います: very different
  例(たと)えば: for example
  英語(えいご)話者(わしゃ): English speakers
  スペイン語(ご): Spanish
  (Verb Plain From) + 場合(ばあい): case
  大変(たいへん)です: hard
  また: in addition, or, besides
  全然(ぜんぜん)知(し)らなかった人(ひと): one who didn’t know at all
  昨日(きのう): yesterday
  went to Tokyo (and)… (Te-Form connective)
  映画(えいが)を見(み)て: watch a movie (and) … (Te-Form connective)
  食事(しょくじ)をしました: had meal
  ~というセンテンスを作(つく)ったら: if (he) make the sentence (of ~)
  周(まわ)りの人(ひと): people around
  上手(じょうず)になった: improved
  ~と思(おも)うでしょう: people around him would think that ~
  普段(ふだん): usually
  仕事(しごと)をしているビジネスマン: business person who works usually
  1週間(しゅうかん)に2回(かい)ぐらい: about twice a week
  レッスンをする: takes lessons
  3カ月(さんかげつ)ぐらいで: within about three months
  ~が作(つく)れるようになります: becomes to make ~
  でも: but
  今(いま): now
  同(おな)じスピードで: with the same speed
  ~ても: even if ~
  感(かん)じる: feel, sense
  このように: as you see
  ~によって: depends on
  つづく: to be continued