May 30, 2010

A waterproof case for iPad  iPad用防水ケース



iPad also has been released in Japan.
A waterproof case for iPad will be also released by the end of June or in early July for bath-lover (?) Japanese people.
It is good !
You can surf the Internet, chat, Blog, Twitter and see even movies in the bath tub.


そしてお風呂好きな日本人用に(?) お風呂でも使える「iPad用防水ケース」も6月末~7月初め発売される予定です。

- words & phrases -

発売(はつばい)されました: has been released
お風呂(ふろ)好(ず)き: someone who loves taking a bath
~用(よう): for
使(つか)える: can be used
防水(ぼうすい): waterproof
6月(がつ)末(まつ): the end of June
7月初(はじ)め: early July
予定(よてい): is scheduled
映画(えいが)だって見(み)られる: you can see even movies

May 28, 2010

New JLPT passing mark/line/score will be announced in September  新しい合格基準点は9月に発表



I have called to JLPT organization to know about New JLPT passing score because it has not been announced on its Web Site.
They said it would be announced in September.
They also said that they could not tell if it is the same level of before (60%, 70% for 1kyu) or not.
I will write it on my Blog when I get some more information.


- words & phrase -

新(あたら)しいJLPT: New JLPT
合格(ごうかく)基準点(きじゅんてん): passing/acceptable mark/level/score
Web上(じょう): on the Web site
発表(はっぴょう)されない: has not been announced
電話(でんわ)して聞(き)きました: called to check
同(おな)じぐらいかどうかも: also if it is the same score or not
~そうです: I heard that, they said that
新しい情報(じょうほう)がわかったら: when I found out new information

May 24, 2010

JLPT passing line has not been announced yet



May ends soon.
There are only a month till the July JLPT.
I go to the JLPT Web Site everyday and also today to check if they announced the passing line but they have not.
We really want to know it!

JLPT New Logo

JLPTのWeb Siteを毎日チェックしていますが、今日もまだ合格ラインが発表されていません。

- words & phrases -

もうすぐ: soon
終(お)わり: end, finish
あと1カ月(かげつ): one more month
毎日(まいにち): everyday
今日(きょう)も: today also
合格(ごうかく)ライン: passing line
発表(はっぴょう)されていません: not announced yet
早(はや)く知(し)りたい: want to know soon

May 17, 2010

How many Kanji you think you need to study per day?



I will write about the number of Kanji you study.
This is an ideal/model plan.
Study 2 new Kanji per day, 10 Kanji on weekdays from Monday to Friday and review them on weekend.
52 weeks per year so you can study about 500 Kanji per year.
(I think there are some days that you cannot study.)
You can study up to the N1 Level Kanji (about 2000Kanji) within 4 years by calculation.
But I know it is quite hard.
So think about your plan, maybe study 1 new Kanji everyday or study 3 days from Monday to Wednesday.
2 new Kanji means to study 10 new Kanji phrases too.
(There are about 5 Kanji phrases for each Kanji.)
And you also need to review what you have studied.
For example, 2 new Kanji and review 2 Kanji every day.
You also need to study grammars so 2 Kanji per day looks easy but quite difficult if you are a business person.
Little by little.
Gambatte kudasai!


- words & phrases -

今日(きょう): today
勉強(べんきょう)する漢字(かんじ)の数(かず): the number of Kanji one study
~について書(か)きます: I will write about ~
モデルプラン: ideal plan, model plan
新(あたら)しい漢字: new Kanji
毎日(まいにち)2個(こ): 2 Kanji every day
月(げつ)~金(きん): from Monday to Friday
週末(しゅうまつ): weekend
復習(ふくしゅう)します: to review
1年(ねん)は52週(しゅう): there are 52 weeks in a year
1年で約(やく)500個: about 500 Kanji per year
計算(けいさん)では: by calculation
なかなか難(むず)しい: quite difficult
忙(いそが)しい人(ひと): busy people
毎日1つにする: decided to study only one Kanji
~か~か: ~ or ~
調整(ちょうせい)してください: please adjust
(A)ということは(B)ということです: (A) means (B)
語彙(ごい): vocabulary
漢字の熟語(じゅくご): phrases which are compounds by Kanji
そして: and then
(A) ながら (B): do (B) while do (B)
必要(ひつよう)です: need
例(たと)えば: for example
仕事(しごと)をしている人: one who works
~もしなければなりません: have to do ~ too
かなり: fairly
大変(たいへん)です: difficult
少(すこし)しずつ: little by little

May 15, 2010

効果的な漢字の勉強方法 Effective way to memorize Kanji



Seems like there are many Kanji practice applications for iPhon these days.
It must be a good way to review on the train.
You do not have to write Kanji for JLPT because everything is multiple-choice.
There are Kanji look very similar so some of them are easy to get confused though.
One of the most effective ways to memorize is “write and say the kanji at the same time”.
For example, 「方法(ほうほう,method)」 then you say “ほうほう” and write「方法」 on the paper 5-10 times.
I know it is so hard and your hands and shoulders must be get really tired, but I think it is the best way.

最近 iPhon向けの漢字練習アプリがたくさんあるようですね。

- words & phrases -

最近(さいきん): in these days
~向(む)け: for
漢字(かんじ)練習(れんしゅう): practicing Kanji
アプリ: application
電車(でんしゃ)の中(なか)で: on the train
復習(ふくしゅう)する: to review
使(つか)える: can be used
便利(べんり): convenient
~と思(おも)います: I think that ~
全(すべ)て: all, everything
選択(せんたく)問題(もんだい): multiple-choice
間違(まちが)えやすい: often make mistakes
似(に)ている: looks similar
答(こた)え: answer
書(か)く: to write
一番(いちばん): the most, the best
頭(あたま)に残(のこ)る: stick in one’s head
方法(ほうほう): method
言(い)いながら紙(かみ)に書く: write with pronouncing
例(たと)えば: for example
場合(ばあい): case
5~10回(かい): 5-10 times
手(て)や肩(かた): hands and shoulders
痛(いた)くなる: gets sore
~し: (to connect reasons)
大変(たいへん): hard work
効果(こうか): have effect

May 11, 2010

「日本人の日本語レベル」 native Japanese people’s Japanese levels



I will write about “native Japanese people’s Japanese levels”.
For example, we do not use so much difficult words when we talk with friends or families.
Probably about JLPT N4 (old 3kyu) we use.
It depends on the topics but talking with N5(old 4kyu) level would be not much problem.
In business situation, we use N2(old 2kyu) level grammars and vocabularies.
It is often said JLPT N4 is “daily conversational level” and N2 is business level.
So N2 is usually required for job hunting in Japan.


- words & phrases -

今日(きょう): today
書(か)きたいと思(おも)います: I think I want to write (lit. meaning)
例(たと)えば: for example
友達(ともだち)や家族(かぞく): friends and families (implying “and others”)
話(はな)す時(とき): we one talk
普通(ふつう): usually, normally
そんなに: not really
難(むずか)しいことば: difficult words
~を使(つか)って話(はな)しません: not to speak using ~
多分(たぶん): probably
旧(きゅう): old
話題(わだい): conversation topics
~にもよります: it depends on ~
あまり~ない(negative form): not really
問題(もんだい)がありません: there are no problems
文法(ぶんぽう): grammars
語彙(ごい): vocabularies
日常(にちじょう)会話(かいわ): daily conversation
~と言われています: (passive) it is said that ~
ですから: therefore
必要(ひつよう)条件(じょうけん): essential qualification, necessary condition
~が多(おお)いようです: seems like there are lots of ~

May 7, 2010

JLPT 2010 July 4th (Sun) application has closed



JLPT for July 4th in Japan application deadline was April 30th.
But, at the moment, the organization has not announced the acceptance line yet.
There are only 2 months left, I wonder when they dicided…
Gambatte kudasai ne!


- words & phrases -

日本で行(おこな)われる: be held
申(もう)し込(こ)み: application
締(し)め切(き)り: deadline
今現在(いまげんざい): at the moment
合格(ごうかく)ライン: acceptance line, pass mark
発表(はっぴょう)されて: (passive) be announced, 
あと~しかない(negative form): only
つもり: intention
かな: I wonder

May 6, 2010

GW帰国ピーク 成田空港に5万人 Golden Week 50,000 people fly back home at Narita Airport



Seems like there are lot more people who traveled overseas than usual during the Golden Week.
It gets busy everywhere in Japan and also Narita Airport also crowded even if you go abroad.
50,000 people at Narita?  Wow!
It is the best to stay around the house to take it easy!
Ok, let's take a look at the news and read it today too.

成田に5万人? わぉ!

- words & phrases -

年(ことし): this year
海外(かいがい)で過(す)ごした人(ひと): one who spent time abroad
いつもより多(おお)かった: more than usual
国内(こくない): in the country
混(こ)んでいる: crowded, busy
~し、~し: (to connect reasons) because ~ and ~
~を読(よ)んでみましょう: let's try to read ~


 GW帰国ピーク 成田空港に5万人
2010/5/5 11:32 (2010/5/5 15:32更新)


- words & phrases -

帰国(きこく): fly back home
ピーク: peak
成田(なりた)空港(くうこう): Narita International Airport
明日(あした)から: from tomorrow
頑張(がんば)ります: try one’s best, work hard
更新(こうしん): update
海外(かいがい)で過(す)ごした人(ひと): one who spent time abroad
関西(かんさい)空港: Kansai International Airport
ピークを迎(むか)えた: peaked
成田国際(こくさい)空港会社(かいしゃ): Narita International Airport Coperation
~によると: according to ~
入国(にゅうこく): immigration
旅客(りょきゃく): traveler, passenger
昨年(さくねん): last year
ピーク時(じ): at the peak
約(やく)3000人(にん)多(おお)い: about 3000 people more than
約5万人(まんにん): about 50,000 people
見通(みとお)し: forecast


May 5, 2010

コスプレ・イベント ゴールデンウィーク cosplay event during Golden Week


Response 2010年5月3日(月) 19時15分



- words & phrases -

読(よ)んでみましょう: let’s try to read
東京(とうきょう)有明(ありあけ): Tokyo Ariake area
アニメ: アニメーション, cartoon film, animation
キャラ: キャラクター, character
扮装(ふんそう)する: to make up, to be disguised as
コスプレイベント: cosplay ivent
「ビッグコスプレ博(はく)」: Big Cosplay expo
開催(かいさい)された: was hold
アキバ系(けい): someone loves Manga(comics), Anime (animation film),
           games or computers which are sold in/around Akihabara.
           Akiba is short form of Akihabara
コンテンツ: contents
関連(かんれん)企業(きぎょう): related companys, corporations
出典(しゅってん)する: to exhibit
展示会(てんじかい): exhbition
併催(へいさい): co-hosting
会場(かいじょう): site, venue
お気(き)に入(い)り: favorite
キャラ: キャラクター, charactor
コスプレイヤー: cosplayer
撮影(さつえい)するために: in order to take (photos)
カメラを手(て)にする人(ひと)たち: people who carries cameras in their hands
大勢(おおぜい): a lot of
集(あつ)まった: gatherd

Photobucket Photobucket

By the way, in the detailed inoformaion of the exhibition, there are some information such as date and time, location, access and fees.
And “restriction” section says “no men in female disguise”.
I wonder why…?

- words & phrases -
会場(かいじょう): site, venue
詳(くわ)しい情報(じょうほう): detailed information
~の中(なか)に: in ~
日時(にちじ): day and time
場所(ばしょ): place, location
アクセス: access
参加費(さんかひ): participation fee
制限(せいげん): restriction
男性(だんせい): male
女装(じょそう): drag, dressed as a woman
不可(ふか): disapprove


May 3, 2010

ゴールデンウィーク 2 Golden Week 2



It gets crowded everywhere during “Golden Week”.
Expressways become long parking lots and you need to queue because there are many people in tourist spots.
Even the tour fees for both domestic and overseas gets double or triple, still lots of people are traveling, so Narita Airport is also busy.


- words & phrases -

ゴールデンウィーク: Golden Week
高速(こうそく)道路(どうろ): express ways
長(なが)い駐車場(ちゅうしゃじょう)のように: looks like a long parking lot
観光地(かんこうち): tourist spots
並(なら)ばなければならない: have to queue
~なければならない: have to ~
こともよくあります: it happens a lot
~し~から: (connect reasons) because ~ and ~

また: or
GW中(ちゅう) : during Golden Week
国内(こくない): inland
海外(かいがい): oversea
旅行(りょこう)の料金(りょうきん): travel expense, fee
通常(つうじょう): usual, normal
2倍(ばい)~3倍くらい: about 2-3 times
高(たか)くなります: gets higher
それでも: even though
たくさんの人(ひと): a lot of people
成田(なりた)空港(くうこう): Narita International Airport
混(こ)んでいます: busy, crowded

Yomiuri Online

I wonder how many hours to get out of this 58km traffic jam on the Tohoku High Way!!

- words & phrases -

東北(とうほく)自動車道(じどうしゃどう): Tohoku Highway
渋滞(じゅうたい): traffic jam
抜(ぬ)ける: through
何時間(なんじかん): how many hours
何時間かかるのでしょう: I wonder how many hours it takes