May 28, 2010

New JLPT passing mark/line/score will be announced in September  新しい合格基準点は9月に発表



I have called to JLPT organization to know about New JLPT passing score because it has not been announced on its Web Site.
They said it would be announced in September.
They also said that they could not tell if it is the same level of before (60%, 70% for 1kyu) or not.
I will write it on my Blog when I get some more information.


- words & phrase -

新(あたら)しいJLPT: New JLPT
合格(ごうかく)基準点(きじゅんてん): passing/acceptable mark/level/score
Web上(じょう): on the Web site
発表(はっぴょう)されない: has not been announced
電話(でんわ)して聞(き)きました: called to check
同(おな)じぐらいかどうかも: also if it is the same score or not
~そうです: I heard that, they said that
新しい情報(じょうほう)がわかったら: when I found out new information

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