May 6, 2010

GW帰国ピーク 成田空港に5万人 Golden Week 50,000 people fly back home at Narita Airport



Seems like there are lot more people who traveled overseas than usual during the Golden Week.
It gets busy everywhere in Japan and also Narita Airport also crowded even if you go abroad.
50,000 people at Narita?  Wow!
It is the best to stay around the house to take it easy!
Ok, let's take a look at the news and read it today too.

成田に5万人? わぉ!

- words & phrases -

年(ことし): this year
海外(かいがい)で過(す)ごした人(ひと): one who spent time abroad
いつもより多(おお)かった: more than usual
国内(こくない): in the country
混(こ)んでいる: crowded, busy
~し、~し: (to connect reasons) because ~ and ~
~を読(よ)んでみましょう: let's try to read ~


 GW帰国ピーク 成田空港に5万人
2010/5/5 11:32 (2010/5/5 15:32更新)


- words & phrases -

帰国(きこく): fly back home
ピーク: peak
成田(なりた)空港(くうこう): Narita International Airport
明日(あした)から: from tomorrow
頑張(がんば)ります: try one’s best, work hard
更新(こうしん): update
海外(かいがい)で過(す)ごした人(ひと): one who spent time abroad
関西(かんさい)空港: Kansai International Airport
ピークを迎(むか)えた: peaked
成田国際(こくさい)空港会社(かいしゃ): Narita International Airport Coperation
~によると: according to ~
入国(にゅうこく): immigration
旅客(りょきゃく): traveler, passenger
昨年(さくねん): last year
ピーク時(じ): at the peak
約(やく)3000人(にん)多(おお)い: about 3000 people more than
約5万人(まんにん): about 50,000 people
見通(みとお)し: forecast


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