May 3, 2010

ゴールデンウィーク 2 Golden Week 2



It gets crowded everywhere during “Golden Week”.
Expressways become long parking lots and you need to queue because there are many people in tourist spots.
Even the tour fees for both domestic and overseas gets double or triple, still lots of people are traveling, so Narita Airport is also busy.


- words & phrases -

ゴールデンウィーク: Golden Week
高速(こうそく)道路(どうろ): express ways
長(なが)い駐車場(ちゅうしゃじょう)のように: looks like a long parking lot
観光地(かんこうち): tourist spots
並(なら)ばなければならない: have to queue
~なければならない: have to ~
こともよくあります: it happens a lot
~し~から: (connect reasons) because ~ and ~

また: or
GW中(ちゅう) : during Golden Week
国内(こくない): inland
海外(かいがい): oversea
旅行(りょこう)の料金(りょうきん): travel expense, fee
通常(つうじょう): usual, normal
2倍(ばい)~3倍くらい: about 2-3 times
高(たか)くなります: gets higher
それでも: even though
たくさんの人(ひと): a lot of people
成田(なりた)空港(くうこう): Narita International Airport
混(こ)んでいます: busy, crowded

Yomiuri Online

I wonder how many hours to get out of this 58km traffic jam on the Tohoku High Way!!

- words & phrases -

東北(とうほく)自動車道(じどうしゃどう): Tohoku Highway
渋滞(じゅうたい): traffic jam
抜(ぬ)ける: through
何時間(なんじかん): how many hours
何時間かかるのでしょう: I wonder how many hours it takes


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