March 19, 2010

Your face is becoming older on iPhone



Japan's creepiest iPhone App has its eyes on the West
Turn a face photo into a 3D face, and make it become older and younger!

The Second Times

HourFace is easy.
Just take or pick a face photo and upload. In a minute, 3D face is downloaded and starts moving and blinking like real human.
The face is even gradually becoming older (increasing skin blemishes and wrinkles, and slackening).
If you upends iPhone, the face is getting younger by degrees (making a skin clear, and eyes bigger).

HourFace is powered by MotionPortrait technology.





- words & phrases -

顔写真(かおじゃしん): head shot
生(い)きているかのように: looks as if it is like a human
動(うご)き出(だ)す: start to move
年(とし)をとっていく: getting old
若返(わかがえ)らせる: make it younger
たった数十秒(すうじゅうびょう): only a few seconds
まばたきをする: blink
地面(じめん): ground
垂直(すいちょく): vertical
徐々(じょじょ)に: gradually
シミ・シワ: blemishe・wrinkle
たるむ: sag
逆(さか)さ: upside down
肌(はだ): skin


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