March 7, 2010

弁当男子  Lunchbox boys



The number of men who brings homemade lunchbox to the office called “Lunchbox boys” is increasing these days.
It cost about 700 – 1200yen in Tokyo when you eat at a restaurant.
But it cost only 300yen if you cook it so you can save money and you can eat your favorite foods.
It is not good for your health if you eat hamburgers at a fast food restaurant even it is cheap.
There is a site “Lunchbox boys Park” which you can upload your own lunchbox photos taken by a cell phone and chat is also available.


Photobucket ひがし Photobucket だいすけ


- words & phrases -

最近(さいきん): recently, these days
会社(かいしゃ): office (literally meaning is a company)
お弁当(べんとう): lunchbox
自分(じぶん)で: by one’s self
作(つく)って持(も)って行(い)く: make and the take it to go
~と呼(よ)ばれる: it is called ~
増(ふ)えている: is increasing
~そうです: I heard/read that ~
お昼(ひる)に: at lunch time
お店(みせ)で食(た)べたら: if you eat at a restaurant
1200円(えん)かかる: it costs 1200 yen
節約(せつやく)できる: save money
~し~し: reason connective
安(やす)くても: even if it is cheap
体(からだ)によくない: not good for your health


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