November 15, 2009

握手とおじぎ  Handshake and Bow



President Obama had a private luncheon with The Emperor and The Empress at the Palace yesterday.
The photo is when the President arrived at the Palace and greeted to them.
He was bowing and shaking hands at the same time and looked a little bit awkward.
He mixed up western culture(handshake) with eastern Asia culture (bow).
Handshake has been generalized in Japan too for greetings with someone from western countries.
But still Japanese do not handshake and bow at the same time.

* What I wrote was about just only handshake and bowing, there was nothing about President Obama or The Emperor.

FNN News


- words & phrases -

昨日(きのう): yesterday
オバマ大統領(だいとうりょう): President Obama
天皇(てんのう)・皇后(こうごう)両陛下(りょうへいか): The Emperor and The Empress
皇居(こうきょ): The Palace
昼食(ちゅうしょく): luncheon
写真(しゃしん): photo
着(つ)いた: arrived
あいさつ: greeting
握手(あくしゅ): handshake
おじぎ: bow
少(すこ)し変(へん): a little bit awkward
欧米(おうべい): western countries
文化(ぶんか): culture
欧米系(おうべいけい): western style
一般化(いっぱんか)する: generalized
~てきた: something has been changed
一緒(いっしょ)に: together

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