January 15, 2011

日本のファーストフード「牛丼」 Japanese fast-foods "beef-bawl" 


It is often said “Quick, cheap and tasty” Gyudon (beef-bawl) is one of the Japanese fast-foods.
Most of the people in the restaurants are men, so it is a little bit difficult for you ladies to go there and eat alone.
But don’t worry, you can take it home.
Now those Gyudon restaurants are offering campaigns, prices are 240-270yen for M size bawl.
Maybe you should try it at least once.

   ファーストフード: fast-food
   早(はや)い: quick, speedy
   安(やす)い: cheap, low price
   牛丼(ぎゅうどん): beef-bawl, a bowl of rice topped with beef
   お客(きゃく)さん: customers
   ほとんど: almost all
   男性(だんせい): men
   女性(じょせい): women
   ひとりで食(た)べる: eat alone
   勇気(ゆうき): courage
   必要(ひつよう): need
   でも: but
   お持(も)ち帰(かえ)り: takeaway, takeout
   大丈夫(だいじょうぶ): all right, no problem, ok
   今(いま): now
   どこのお店(みせ)も: any beef-bawl restaurants
   キャンペーン中(ちゅう): during a promotion campaign
   普通(ふつう)サイズ: M size
   一度(いちど): once
   食(た)べてみる: try and eat it
   ~てみては: 「どうですか」「いかがですか」 are omitted afterwards.
            “Why don’t you try it?”

吉野家(よしのや) 111周年(111 years anniversary)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...
