April 2, 2010

Cherry blossoms reach peak bloom in Tokyo ソメイヨシノ:東京で一気に満開…平年より4日早く


TOKYO, April 1 (AP) - (Kyodo) -

Cherry blossoms reach peak bloom in Tokyo

Cherry blossoms in central Tokyo have been in full bloom four days earlier than usual and a day earlier than last year, the Japan Meteorological Agency said Thursday.
The agency said its officials confirmed the "someiyoshino" cherry tree at Tokyo's Yasukuni Shrine, designated as the agency's "sample tree," has bloomed by around 90 percent, fulfilling the 80 percent requirement the agency sets to declare it in full bloom.
Thursday became a warm, sunny day in the area as warm air moved in from the southwest, according to the agency.
With no forecasts of rain over the coming weekend, areas known for their cherry blossoms are likely to attract many visitors.
The cherry blossoms in Kyoto also reached their peak while those in Maebashi, Gunma Prefecture, and Kanazawa, Ishikawa Prefecture, just began to bloom.


The phoes are I took near my place today, April 1st.

ソメイヨシノ : 東京で一気に満開…平年より4日早く

2010年4月1日 19時30分 更新:4月1日 19時51分


- words & phrase -

ソメイヨシノ: someiyoshino is the most common type of cherry trees in Japan
一気(いっき)に: all at once
満開(まんかい): full bloom
平年(へいねん): an average year
更新(こうしん): update
気象庁(きしょうちょう): the Meteorological Agency
桜(さくら): Sakura, Cherry Blossoms
発表(はっぴょう)した: announced
昨年(さくねん): last year
早(はや)い: early
開花(かいか): to bloom
標本木(ひょうほんぼく): sample trees
8割(わり)以上(いじょう): over 80 %
状態(じょうたい): condition, situation
指(さ)す: mean
職員(しょくいん): staff member
千代田区(ちよだく): Chiyoda Ward
靖国神社(やすくにじんじゃ):Yasukuni Shrine
境内(けいだい): the precincts of a temple/shrine
確認(かくにん): confirm, check
約(やく): about
前日(ぜんじつ): the day before
程度(ていど): degree
最高(さいこう)気温(きおん): highest temperature
4月(がつ)下旬(げじゅん)並(な)み: about the same as the end of April
進(すす)んだ: proceeded, went forward
見込(みこ)み: possibility
天気(てんき)が回復(かいふく)し: the weather will get better
花見(はなみ)日和(びより): an ideal day for Hanami (watching Cherry Blossoms)

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