February 23, 2011

US, Egypt and Japan Top アメリカ・エジプト・日本のトップ

Today it is about the tops of the US, Egypt and Japan.

President Mubarak had been kept for 29 years of very long authoritarian government.
On the other hand, the US President is elected once every four years.
And in Japan, the prime minister has been kept changing…
It is a little bit difficult to remember all of the prime minister in Japan.

   今日(きょう): today
~について: about ~

   29年(ねん)も: 29 years, “も” = emphasis
   長(なが)い間(あいだ): during long period
   独裁(どくさい)政権(せいけん): authoritarian government
   ~を維持(いじ)していた: has been kept, preserve,
   大統領(だいとうりょう): president
   一方(いっぽう): on the other hand
   四年(よねん)に一度(いちど): once every four years
   選挙(せんきょ): election
   ~により: by
   ~が決(き)まる: has been selected
   そして: and then
   めまぐるしく: conterminously
   首相(しゅしょう): prime minister
   内閣(ないかく)総理(そうり)大臣(だいじん): prime minister (in Japan)
   コロコロと変(か)わる: keep changing
   全員(ぜんいん): all of
   覚(おぼ)える: memorize, remember
   無理(むり): it is impossible, cannot

1 comment:

Japan Australia said...

Thanks for that!! Got a lot of new stuff from reading that. True about Japan keep changing, but a lot of the long authoritarian governments have started collapsing with Egypt and now Libya on the brink.