February 14, 2011

Happy Valentine's Day!



We will read an article about Valentine ’s Day because it is Valentines’ Day today.
Google announced on Feb 10th their search result ranking of the terms “Valentine, Recipe” before Feb 14th Valentine’s Day.
According to it, the most searched word related to Valentine’s Day sweets from Feb 1st to 8th was “macaroon”.
Start with "Macaroon", the followings are “Gateau cocolat”, “Ganache” and “Fondant au chocolat”.
Macaroon looks difficult to make at first glance, but Google comments that “the number of people want to try to make it is increasing” because how to make it easy is able to be searched.

Macaroon Recipe

   今日(きょう): today
   記事(きじ): article
   読(よ)んでみましょう: let’s read
グーグルは2月10日、2月14日のバレンタインデーに備え、「バレンタイン レシピ」という言葉による検索結果のランキングを発表した。
   ~に備(そな)え: preparing for ~
   言葉(ことば): word, term, vocabulary
   検索(けんさく)結果(けっか): search result
   ~を発表(はっぴょう)した: announced ~
   ~による: according to
   最(もっと)も: the most
   検索数(すう): the number of searching
   バレンタイン関連(かんれん): related to Valentine’s day
   菓子(かし): sweets+snacks
   以下(いか): the following
   ~以下・・・が続(つづ)いた: start with ~ followings ・・・
   一見(いっけん): at first glance, seemingly
   作(つく)るのが難(むずか)しそう: looks difficult to make
   簡単(かんたん)に作(つく)る: make easily
   検索可能(かのう)になっており: can search
   ~になっており=~になっていて: ~になっている connective form
   同社(どうしゃ): the company = Google
   自分(じぶん)で: by oneself
   作(つく)ってみる: try to make
   自分で作ってみる人(ひと): one who make by themselves
   増(ふ)えている: increasing
   ~ではないか: it would probably be ~
   ~とコメントしている: comment on ~


Japan Australia said...

Thanks for the Valentine`s Day article. There were a few new words that I picked up, which was great. I have to say that there has been a huge boom for macaroons all over the world and everyone is mad about them here in Australia.

Mie said...

Thank you again for your comment and glad to hear you could learn from my Blog :)