June 27, 2010

JLPT 2010, July 4th


JLPT (N1, N2 and N3) is on next Sunday.
If you would ask me what effective study methods within a week is, it is very difficult to answer because there is only a week left but I think it would be “Kanji study” .
Kanji is to expand your vocabulary not only for JLPT Kanji test.
Knowing lots of vocabulary helps listening and reading comprehension.
I really understand study Kanji is hard.
I think study Kanji is very systematic, effective and efficient to increase vocabulary comparing English for example.


- words & phrases -

今度(こんど)の日曜日(にちようび): next Sunday
効果的(こうかてき)な: efficient, economical
勉強(べんきょう): study
聞(き)かれたら: if I was asked
しかない(しか+negative): emphasizing the amount/quantity is very little
難(むずか)しい: difficult
やはり: as was expected
復習(ふくしゅう)する: review
語彙(ごい): vocabulary
増(ふ)やす: increase
聴解(ちょうかい): listening comprehension
読解(どっかい): reading comprehension
楽(らく)になる: it will become easy
大変(たいへん)です: hard
例(たと)えば: for example
~に比(くら)べて: to compare to ~
システマチック: systematic
効率的(こうりつてき): efficient

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