January 3, 2010

初日の出  the first sun rise of the year


Happy New Year!
I am sure today (Jan.3rd) is the last day of the winter holidays for many people, how was your holidays?

I read “1Q84” which is a new book written by Haruki Murakami and watched 12 DVDs of “24Season Ⅶ, an American TV drama.
Also went to the gym to burn extra calories that I had from Christmas to New Yeas day. (I hope…)

There are lots of people who watch the first sun rise of the year at the beach or on the mountain in Japan.
There are about 1000 people saw it around Mt. Fuji on the airplanes.

Best wishes for 2010!

The Japan Times





- words & phrases -

冬休(ふゆやす)み最後(さいご)の日(ひ): the last day of the winter holidays

読(よ)みたかった本: the books that I have wanted to read
村上(むらかみ)春樹(はるき): Haruki Murakami, popular author
DVD12巻(かん): 巻 is used for books or films/tapes
余分(よぶん)な: extra, excess
消費(しょうひ)する: to consume
さて: it is used when you want to change subjects/topics
初日(はつひ)の出(で): the first sunrise of the new year
約(やく)1000人(にん): about 1000 people
飛行機(ひこうき)の中(なか)から: from the airplane
富士山(ふじさん): Mt. Fuji
which is considered the most beautiful highest mountain in Japan
~そうです: I heard/read that ~


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