January 30, 2010

“じゃ” does not always mean “Well” or “Well then”



There are some people who use “じゃ/ja” in wrong way.
It is often written “Well…” or “Well then…” in English for “じゃ/ja”.
For example, a conversation with a shop clerk like as follows :

 A-san : How much is this? 
      ( Kore wa ikura desu ka?)

 Shop Clerk : 1000yen. 
          (1000yen desu.)

 A-san : Well then, please give me that one. 
      (Ja, kore kudasai.)

In this case “じゃ/ja” for “Well” usage is OK.

However, the next one sounds odd :

 A-san : Did you go somewhere last weekend? 
      (Shumatsu dokoka ikimashita ka?)
 B-san : Well, I went to a beach with my girlfriend. 
      (Ja, kanojo to umi ni ikimashita.)

 B-san was thinking about his weekend a bit then he answered it.
“え~と/eeto” is perfect to be used when you are thinking.

"Ja" is also used for "good bye" in a casual conversation.

「じゃ」は英語の訳でよく”Well…” “Well then…” と書かれています。

 Aさん: これはいくらですか?
 店員: 1000円です。
 Aさん: じゃ、これください。

この場合の「じゃ」=”Well” or “Well then” はOKです。


 Aさん: 週末どこか行ったんですか。
 Bさん: じゃ、彼女と海に行きました。



January 25, 2010

Traveling in Japan! - Japan Rail Pass-


Japan Rail Pass is very convenient when you travel Japan.
It is a train pass for tourists from overseas which they can ride or get off train at any station and as many as they want.
For example, 7days pass is 28,300yen for adults and Shinkansen bullet train can be also used.
(“Shinkanesen Nozomi” is not available.
Please check for more details as there are also some other conditions.)
Cherry Blossoms season is coming soon!
We are looking forward your visit to Japan!

Japan Rail Pass

- words & phrases -
旅行(りょこう)するとき: when you travel
便利(べんり): convenient
海外(かいがい)からの観光客(かんこうきゃく): tourists from overseas
発行(はっこう)されている: (passive) be issued
JR: Japan Railways
電車(でんしゃ): trains
乗(の)り降(お)り自由(じゆう): one can enter or leave train at any station as many times as one wants
利用(りよう)できる: can use
切符(きっぷ): (train) tickets
たとえば: for example
7日間(なのかかん)の場合(ばあい): in case of 7 days pass
大人(おとな): adults
新幹線(しんかんせん): Shinkansen Bullet train
乗(の)れます: one can ride
他(ほか)にも: others
条件(じょうけん): condition
確認(かくにん)してください: please check
もうすぐ: soon
桜(さくら)の季節(きせつ): Cherry Blossoms season
ぜひ: by all means


January 24, 2010

物価高都市ランキング ranking cities those cost of livings are high



12月5日22時20分配信 Record China


- words & phrases -

物価高(ぶっかだか)都市(とし): the cities those cost of livings are high
外国人(がいこくじん): foreigners
最(もっと)も: the most
物価(ぶっか): cost of living
発表(はっぴょう)した: announced
同社(どうしゃ): the company (ECA International, in this context)
不動産(ふどうさん): real estate
自動車(じどうしゃ): automobile
学費(がくひ): school expense
除(のぞ)く: except
商品(しょうひん): merchandise
価格(かかく): price
都市(とし): city
調査(ちょうさ): research
1~4位(い): from first to third
独占(どくせん)した: dominated


<Asia アジア>
  1位 : 東京(日本) Tokyo (Japan)
  2位 : 横浜(日本) Yokohama (Japan)
  3位 : 名古屋(日本) Nagoya (Japan)
  4位 : 神戸(日本) Kobe (Japan)
  5位 : 香港(中国) Hong Kong (China)
  6位 : 上海(中国) Shanghai (China)
  7位 : ソウル(韓国) Seoul (Korea)
  8位 : 北京(中国) Beijing (China)
  9位 : シンガポール Singapore
10位 : 台北(台湾) Taipei (Taiwan)

<World 世界>
  1位 : ルアンダ(アンゴラ) Luanda (Angola)
  2位 : 東京(日本) Tokyo (Japan)
  3位 : オスロ(ノルウェー) Oslo (Norwegian)
  4位 : コペンハーゲン(デンマーク) Copenhagen (Denmark)
  5位 : 横浜(日本) Yokohama (Japan)
  6位 : スタバンゲル(ノルウェー) Stavanger (Norwegian)
  7位 : 名古屋(日本) Nagoya (Japan)
  8位 : 神戸(日本) Kobe (Japan)
  9位 : ジュネーブ(スイス) Geneva (Swiss)
10位 : チューリッヒ(スイス) Zurich (Swiss)

ECA International announced the ranking of the cities those cost of livings are high for foreigners Dec. 3rd 2009.

The data is for125 merchandise prices except real estate, automobile and school expense comparing 390 cities.
Japan dominate from the first to the forth.


January 22, 2010

i'm lovin' it  マックだいすき♪


I wrote about McDonald’s Texas Burger yesterday, I will write about how to call McDonald’s today.
Australian people called Maccas when I was traveling there.
My old American boss called it Mickey D’s when I was working for a company before I became a Japanese teacher.
In Japan, it is called either “マクド(makudo)” or “マック(makku)”.


年末にオーストラリアに行ったとき、オーストラリアの人たちは Maccasと言っていました。 
また日本語教師の前、会社に勤めていたころアメリカ人の上司は Mickey D's と言っていました。

- words & phrases -

呼(よ)び方(かた): how to call
書(か)こうと思(おも)います: I am going to write
年末(ねんまつ): the end of the year
~に行(い)ったとき: when I went to ~
~と言(い)っていました: they said that ~ (used for third person)
日本語(にほんご)教師(きょうし): Japanese-language teacher
Nounの前(まえ): before Noun
会社(かいしゃ)に勤(つと)めていたころ: while I was working for a company
上司(じょうし): boss, superior
呼(よ)ぶ: to call


January 17, 2010

New JLPT, 2010




Today I will write about New JLPT (Japanese Language Proficiency Test).

As you would probably know that its test formats will be revised from this year, 2010.
The biggest different point is there are 5 levels for new JLPT, N1- N5 (before 4 levels, 1kyu-4kyu) and N3 is a new level which is in between old 3kyu (N4) and 2kyu (N2).

And the new one requires to get each skills (like grammar, listening, reading) to be above the certain points plus not to mention total score is also need to excess to pass (its details will be informed soon from JLPT organization).

Therefore, probably the new JLPT gets more difficult to pass than before.

Because, with the former exam, you could pass if you got total 60% (70% for 1kyu) which means, for example, even if you got lower score with reading comprehension you could still pass if your listening level was high enough to cover your reading section.

Ok, now here is the biggest problem for new JLPT, especially for N3 :

JLPT organization will not to sell “past exam copies” for any levels from this year.
And more over, there are no textbooks or study books for preparing the new exam till this late summer or autumn.

Because publishers need to wait this July’s exam (only for N1-N3) to know what the text will be like.
JLPT organization uploaded some samples of each level on its Web Site, but it is not enough of course.

So if you are aiming N3 this July, it is going to be a big challenge! with no information, no books!


January 16, 2010

テキサスバーガー Texas Burger @McDonald’s


I had eaten too much during Christmas and New Year’s holidays, I really need to go on a diet, however, I confess to eat “Texas Burger” which is one of the new McDonald’s “Big America” series hamburgers.
I rarely eat at McDonald’s but the photo of its advertisement in the train looked really good so I couldn’t resist….
The cheapest hamburger at McDonald’s is 100yen and this Texas Burger costs 400yen which is very expensive in this recession.
I think its taste was better than other regular McDonald’s burgers.

Texas Burger

クリスマス、お正月とたくさん食べすぎて、ほんとうはダイエットをしなければならないのに、昨日マクドナルドの新しいハンバーガー “Big America” シリーズの “テキサスバーガー”を食べてしまいました。

- words & phrases -   

お正月(しょうがつ): New Year’s Day
食(た)べすぎ: eat too much ~すぎ= too much ~
ほんとうは: actually, truthfully
ダイエットをする: go on a diet
~なければならない: have to ~, must ~
~のに: even
~てしまいました: express speaker’s regret
普段(ふだん): usually
広告(こうこく): advertisement
おいしそう: looks delicious, ~そう= looks
食べたくなる: become want to eat
不景気(ふけいき)の中(なか): in this recession
価格(かかく)設定(せってい): price setting

big america
Big America series Hamburgers

January 11, 2010

Coming of Age Day (成人の日 Seijin no Hi)


Today is a national holiday in Japan.
Coming of Age Day (成人の日 Seijin no Hi) is a Japanese holiday held annually on the second Monday of January. It is held in order to congratulate and encourage all those who have reached the age of majority (20 years old) over the past year, and to help them realize that they have become adults. Festivities include the coming of age ceremonies (成人式 seijin-shiki) held at local and prefectural offices, as well as after-parties amongst family and friends.




- words & phrases -

成人(せいじん)の日(ひ): coming of age day
祝日(しゅくじつ): national holiday
国民(こくみん): citizen
関(かん)する: related
法律(ほうりつ): law
自覚(じかく)する: become aware of
みずから: own,
生(い)き抜(ぬ)く: come through, get through
青年(せいねん): young fellow
趣旨(しゅし): main point
各(かく)市町村(しちょうそん): each municipalities
招(まね)く: to invite

ANN News


Coming of Age Day (成人の日 Seijin no Hi)
MSN News

January 10, 2010

英語は難しい!  English is difficult!


It is said that Japanese people are not good at English.
According to the Rosetta Stone Japan Internet survey, 80% of people said that “I cannot catch what foreign people say when they talk to me.”
Or 8% people have experiences they just run away or pretended not to listen.
(This is bad…)
Weak points are : speaking (76%), listening (60%), pronunciations (51%), grammars (49%), vocabularies (46%) and reading comprehension (36%).
Also 93% people want to be able to speak English.
I also feel my luck of vocabulary influenced my speaking and listening ablitliy.
And vowels are difficult, I tend to pronounce all “ant, bus, body, father, about” in Japanese 「あ」 sound.

英語は難しい!  English is difficult!

Q: Do you have an experience that you could not catch what
     the foreigner asked who talked to you?
Yes : 80%     No: 20%

特に ant, bus, body, father, about など全部、日本語の「あ」で発音してしまいます。

- words & phrases -

日本人は英語(えいご)が苦手(にがて): Japanese is not good at English
AはBが adjective : as for A, B is (adjective)
ex私はコーヒーがすきです。(As for me, coffee is preferable. = I like coffee.)
調査(ちょうさ): survey
8割(わり): 80%
話(はな)しかける: talk to, start to talk to
話しかけられる: passive
聞(き)き取(と)る: listen and understand, catch
回答(かいとう)する: to answer
道(みち)を聞(き)く: to ask for direction,
聞こえないふり: pretend not to hear,
ふりをする: pretend to do
逃(に)げる: run away,
~の経験(けいけん)がある: have an experience of ~
まずい: not good, bad, bad taste
発音(はつおん): pronunciations
文法(ぶんぽう): grammars
語彙(ごい): vocabulary
読解(どっかい): reading comprehension
影響(えいきょう): influence
母音(ぼいん): vowels
特(とく)に: especially
全部(ぜんぶ): all, everything

January 9, 2010

Japanese Men Spend Christmas With 2-D Girlfriends


Going out on Christmas and spending New Year’s Day with family is very common in Japan.
And also Christmas is one of the biggest commercial events.
Strolling in a romantic town with illumination with him/her, have dinner at a fancy restaurant and give present!
It would seem that there are some Japanese men spend that Christmas day with 2D girlfriend.
It is a little bit old topic but wrote it as I thought it was interesting.

Tokyo Omotesando



- word & phrases -

お正月(しょうがつ): New Year’s Day
家族(かぞく)と過(す)ごす: spend time with family
一般的(いっぱんてき): generally, commonly
商業的(しょうぎょうてき)なイベント: commercial event
彼(かれ)/彼女(かのじょ): boyfriend /girlfriend (in this context)
デコレーションされた: be decollated
ロマンチックな: romantic
素敵(すてき)な: fancy, wonderful,
食事(しょくじ)する: have a meal, ( 「食事を食べる」はまちがい)
ちょっとね: is used when you are not comfortable with the idea
話題(わだい): topic

January 8, 2010

-Nihongo Fun & Easy- Survival Japanese


Our school has started from this week.
There are lots of new students come to the school, we have been very busy.
Today I will introduce a new Japanese text book which has been published quite recently for someone who are interested in studying Japanese a little bit.

Nihongo Fun & Easy
– Survival Japanese Conversation for Beginners–

Instead of grammars, phrases are written in this textbook to help the learners to be able to use what they studied very soon, it is suitable for survival Japanese.
Amazon Japan :
(It is not ready yet with Amazon USA.)



Nihongo Fun & Easy
– Survival Japanese Conversation for Beginners–


Amazon Japanはこちら:
(Amazon USAではまだ買えないようですね。)

- words & phrases -
~が始(はじ)まる: (particle)が+始まる(intransitive verb)
~てみよう(volition form): try to ~ then see how it will go
よさそう: looks good
出版(しゅっぱん)された: be published
ぴったり: just fit, suitable


January 4, 2010

僕と結婚してくれませんか?   Will you marry me?


Susan Boyle who came to Japan for a NHK TV program got 5 million yen grantee!
And she got 2 marriage proposal while she was in Japan.
She became a diva of the world in only 8 months since she perfomed in the audition in May last year.
May this year bring her wonderful private life.




- words & phrases -

先日(せんじつ): before, some days ago
来日(らいにち)した: came to Japan
NHK: Nippon Hoso Kyokai = The Japanese public broadcasting corporation
TV番組(ばんぐみ): TV program
ギャラ: a guaranteed fee (for an appearance)
なんと: it is used for admiration or surprise
500万円(まんえん): 5,000,000 Yen
滞在中(たいざいちゅう): during her stay
結婚(けっこん)の申(もう)し込(こ)み: marriage proposal, offer of marriage
2件(けん): 件 is a counter used for matter or affair
出演(しゅつえん) する: appear on
わずか: only
世界(せかい)の歌姫(うたひめ): diva of the world
充実(じゅうじつ)した年(とし): fulfilling year,

January 3, 2010

初日の出  the first sun rise of the year


Happy New Year!
I am sure today (Jan.3rd) is the last day of the winter holidays for many people, how was your holidays?

I read “1Q84” which is a new book written by Haruki Murakami and watched 12 DVDs of “24Season Ⅶ, an American TV drama.
Also went to the gym to burn extra calories that I had from Christmas to New Yeas day. (I hope…)

There are lots of people who watch the first sun rise of the year at the beach or on the mountain in Japan.
There are about 1000 people saw it around Mt. Fuji on the airplanes.

Best wishes for 2010!

The Japan Times





- words & phrases -

冬休(ふゆやす)み最後(さいご)の日(ひ): the last day of the winter holidays

読(よ)みたかった本: the books that I have wanted to read
村上(むらかみ)春樹(はるき): Haruki Murakami, popular author
DVD12巻(かん): 巻 is used for books or films/tapes
余分(よぶん)な: extra, excess
消費(しょうひ)する: to consume
さて: it is used when you want to change subjects/topics
初日(はつひ)の出(で): the first sunrise of the new year
約(やく)1000人(にん): about 1000 people
飛行機(ひこうき)の中(なか)から: from the airplane
富士山(ふじさん): Mt. Fuji
which is considered the most beautiful highest mountain in Japan
~そうです: I heard/read that ~