March 14, 2010

「可愛いにもほどがある」ベッキー・クルーエル Beckii Cruel



3.3 million viewed, her other movies

Too cute girl, Beckii Cruel.
Beckii, 14 year old girl, lives in the Isle of Man who uploads her movie to YouTube which became very popular.
She has come to Japan several times.
She also came here for a fashion event “Tokyo Girls Collection” on March 6th as a model.
You can read her interview from here (in Japanese) :
She says she likes “ne” in Japanese in her interview.
What is your favorite Japanese word?
Beckii : I like “ne” (smile). It is cute. “Ne” has various meanings which can be used in many occasions. I like it. There is not such a word in English which seems like no meanings yet seems has lots of meanings.

Livedoor News




- words & phrases -

可愛(かわい)い: cute
~にもほどがある: there is a limit for anything
可愛いにもほどがある: there is a limit for cute too, she is too cute
自分(じぶん)の: herself, in this context
動画(どうが): movie
人気(にんき)が爆発(ばくはつ)した: explode in popularity
イギリス・マン島在住(ざいじゅう): lives in the Isle of Man
来日(らいにち): comes to Japan
モデルとして: as a model
参加(さんか)した: participated

her first visit to Japan


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