February 28, 2011

How to read a long sentence


I will write about grammars today.
When you read a long sentence, watch particles first.
For example (from my former entry in Panda article),


(China-Japan relations improvement)(view point)から
(Ueno zoo)(China)から(Panda)

Let’s break it down a little bit more.
There are three basic Japanese sentence structures and the most important part comes at the end.
The end of the example sentence is “歓迎(する)= to welcome”, so it is ③.

Make it this long example sentence basic.

Mr. Maehara welcomes arriving.

Others are additional information. We will see it reversal.Underline parts are added at each stage.

  Mr. Maehara welcomes the Panda Bears arriving.

(person)は(Ueno zoo)に(China)から(Panda)が(date)に(arriving)を(welcome)。
  Mr. Maehara welcomes the two Panda Bears from China arriving on Feb 21st to Ueno zoo.

(person)は(China-Japan relations improvement)の(view point)から(Ueno zoo)に(China)から(Panda)が(date)に(arriving)を(welcome)。
  Mr. Maehara welcomes the two Panda Bears from China arriving on Feb 21st to Ueno zoo from the view point of China-Japan relations improvement.

(person)は(date)の(interview)で、(China-Japan relations improvement)の(view point)から(Ueno zoo)に(China)から(Panda)が(date)に(arriving)を(welcome)。
  On Feb 18th Press Interview, Mr. Maehara welcomes the two Panda Bears from China arriving on Feb 21st to Ueno zoo from the view point of China-Japan relations improvement.

Hope it helps you to understand Japanese sentence structures.


February 26, 2011

パンダ Panda Bears


A pair of Panda Bears from China came to Tokyo Ueno Zoo on Feb. 21st.It’s been about three years since the last Panda Bear dead.
Today's topic is Panda !

Foreign Minister Seiji Maehara welcomes the two Panda Bears, which are rent from China to Tokyo Ueno zoo, from the view point of China-Japan relations improvement.
On that basis he also points out “their rental rate is pretty expensive”.
These tow Panda Bears lease total payment is about 7.9M yen per year.

Photobucket Photobucket

   中国(ちゅうごいう): China
   上野(うえの)動物園(どうぶつえん): Ueno Zoo
   約(やく): about
   3年(ねん)ぶり: it has been 3 years
   cf. ひさしぶり: it has been long time (ひさしい=long time)

   今日(きょう): today
   話題(わだい): topic
   Foreign Minister Seiji Maehara
   記者(きしゃ)会見(かいけん): Press interview
   日中(にっちゅう)関係(かんけい): Japan-China relations
   改善(かいぜん): improvement   
   ~の観点(かんてん)から: from the viewpoint that ~
   東京(とうきょう): Tokyo
   貸与(たいよ)される: (passive) be lent
   2頭(とう): counter for bigger animals
   到着(とうちゃく): arrive
   歓迎(かんげい): welcome
   そのうえで: as far as ・・・concerned
   結構(けっこう)高(たか)い: pretty expensive
   賃貸(ちんたい)料(りょう): rental rate
   指摘(してき)した: pointed out
   年間(ねんかん): per year
   リース料(りょう): lease payment
   計(けい): total
   7900万(まん)円(えん): 79,000,000 yen

Seiji Maehara, Foreign Minister

February 23, 2011

US, Egypt and Japan Top アメリカ・エジプト・日本のトップ

Today it is about the tops of the US, Egypt and Japan.

President Mubarak had been kept for 29 years of very long authoritarian government.
On the other hand, the US President is elected once every four years.
And in Japan, the prime minister has been kept changing…
It is a little bit difficult to remember all of the prime minister in Japan.

   今日(きょう): today
~について: about ~

   29年(ねん)も: 29 years, “も” = emphasis
   長(なが)い間(あいだ): during long period
   独裁(どくさい)政権(せいけん): authoritarian government
   ~を維持(いじ)していた: has been kept, preserve,
   大統領(だいとうりょう): president
   一方(いっぽう): on the other hand
   四年(よねん)に一度(いちど): once every four years
   選挙(せんきょ): election
   ~により: by
   ~が決(き)まる: has been selected
   そして: and then
   めまぐるしく: conterminously
   首相(しゅしょう): prime minister
   内閣(ないかく)総理(そうり)大臣(だいじん): prime minister (in Japan)
   コロコロと変(か)わる: keep changing
   全員(ぜんいん): all of
   覚(おぼ)える: memorize, remember
   無理(むり): it is impossible, cannot

February 21, 2011

セクシースモウ Sexy Sumo


Today I will write about TV CM of Japanese car in Canada.
Subaru new TV CM “Forester” started to get air-play in Canada.
Lovable Sumo wrestlers come on to the CM which became popular.
Subaru Canada has produced this CM and its title is “Sexy Sumo”.
Mischievous rather than hardy Sumo wrestlers with Forester are in the CM.

Yahoo News

   今日(きょう): today
   日本車(にほんしゃ): Japanese car
   話題(わだい): topic
   スバル: Subaru (Japanese automotive company)
   オンエア: airplay
   開始(かいし)した: started
   新(しん)CM: new CM
   相撲(すもう)力士(りきし): Sumo wrestler
   登場(とうじょう)する: come on to
   愛嬌(あいきょう): lovable, winsome
   たっぷり: a lot, full
   内容(ないよう): content
   話題となっている: become a popular topic
   制作(せいさく): produce
   逞(たくま)しい: strong, diesel, hardy
AというよりB: B rather than A

   お茶目(ちゃめ): full of fun, mischievous, gnomish

February 19, 2011

寿司USBメモリー Sushi USB Memory



We had snow again on Feb 14th night.
It is still very cold.
One of the most well-known Japanese food in overseas must be Sushi.
Seems like those Sushi USB memories are sold.
It would be good for souvenirs.

Rocket News 24

   東京(とうきょう): Tokyo
   2月(にがつ)14日(じゅうよっか): Feb 14th
   夜(よる): night
   また: again
   雪(ゆき)が降(ふ)りました: it snowed.
   まだまだ: still(emphasis)
   寒(さむ)い: cold
   世界(せかい)で: all over the world
   有名(ゆうめい)な: famous, well known
   日本(にほん)の食(た)べ物(もの): Japanese food
   ~と言(い)えば: speaking of ~
   (raises thoughts that come to mind when speaker hears
topics in a conversation)

   売(う)っている: be sold
   ~ようです: seems like, looks like

February 14, 2011

Happy Valentine's Day!



We will read an article about Valentine ’s Day because it is Valentines’ Day today.
Google announced on Feb 10th their search result ranking of the terms “Valentine, Recipe” before Feb 14th Valentine’s Day.
According to it, the most searched word related to Valentine’s Day sweets from Feb 1st to 8th was “macaroon”.
Start with "Macaroon", the followings are “Gateau cocolat”, “Ganache” and “Fondant au chocolat”.
Macaroon looks difficult to make at first glance, but Google comments that “the number of people want to try to make it is increasing” because how to make it easy is able to be searched.

Macaroon Recipe

   今日(きょう): today
   記事(きじ): article
   読(よ)んでみましょう: let’s read
グーグルは2月10日、2月14日のバレンタインデーに備え、「バレンタイン レシピ」という言葉による検索結果のランキングを発表した。
   ~に備(そな)え: preparing for ~
   言葉(ことば): word, term, vocabulary
   検索(けんさく)結果(けっか): search result
   ~を発表(はっぴょう)した: announced ~
   ~による: according to
   最(もっと)も: the most
   検索数(すう): the number of searching
   バレンタイン関連(かんれん): related to Valentine’s day
   菓子(かし): sweets+snacks
   以下(いか): the following
   ~以下・・・が続(つづ)いた: start with ~ followings ・・・
   一見(いっけん): at first glance, seemingly
   作(つく)るのが難(むずか)しそう: looks difficult to make
   簡単(かんたん)に作(つく)る: make easily
   検索可能(かのう)になっており: can search
   ~になっており=~になっていて: ~になっている connective form
   同社(どうしゃ): the company = Google
   自分(じぶん)で: by oneself
   作(つく)ってみる: try to make
   自分で作ってみる人(ひと): one who make by themselves
   増(ふ)えている: increasing
   ~ではないか: it would probably be ~
   ~とコメントしている: comment on ~

February 12, 2011

建国記念日と雪 National Foundation Day & Snow



Yesterday, Feb 11th was a national holiday.
It was National Foundation Day.
It was a very cold day and it had been snowing from morning in Tokyo resion.
And it became sleet and rain, now you can see the moon tonight (Feb 12th)
It seems like it is going to be a good weather tomorrow.
There is a flu going around, please take care!
Sorry I cannot update my Blog as I have been very busy.

Rocket News 24

   昨日(きのう): yesterday
   祝日(しゅくじつ): public holiday
   建国(けんこく)記念日(きねんび): National Foundation Day
   寒(さむ)い日(ひ): very cold day
   東京(とうきょう)地方(ちほう): Tokyo region
   朝(あさ)からずっと: since morning
   雪(ゆき)が降(ふ)っていた: it has been snowing
   そして: and then 
   みぞれ: sleet, snowy rain
   やむ: stop (rain, snow, wind)
   月(つき)が見(み)えます: can see the moon
   明日(あした): tomorrow
   いい天気(てんき): nice weather
   ~そう: looks like, seems like
   はやっている: is going around
   気(き)をつけて: please take care
   忙(いそが)しくて: because I am busy
   なかなか+Verb Negative: it takes time, it is difficult to do
   更新(こうしん)できない: cannot up date