October 30, 2010

天気予報 台風14号 weather forecast Typhoon #14



We will read weather news today.

   今日(きょう): today
   天気(てんき)予報(よほう): weather forecast
   読(よ)んでみましょう: let's (try to) read
N2の文法がありますね。 がんばってください!
   文法(ぶんぽう): grammars

The Typhoon #14 is heading to northeast direction which is now located in the west-southeast of Hachijo-jima island as of 11am.
It is expected to reach to Kanro region the most in the evening, the Meteorological Agency is warning heavy rain.
The strong-wind area of the typhoon #14 is getting wider.
From Shikoku island to Kanto region are in the strong-wind area, over 15m/second, it seems like it will keep blowing long even after the typhoon will have been gone.
From now on, in the even to 9pm, it will reach to Kanto region or land.

MBS News

   午前(ごぜん)11時(じ)現在(げんざい): as of 11am
   八丈島(はちじょうじま): Hachijo-jima island
   西南西(せいなんせい): west-southwest
   北東(ほくとう)方向(ほうこう): northeast direction
   進(すす)んでいます: is moving
   夕方(ゆうがた): evening
   関東(かんとう): Kanto region
   最(さい)接近(せっきん): reaches the closest
   ~とみられ: is considered
   気象庁(きしょうちょう): Meteorological Agency
   大雨(おおあめ): heavy rain
   N2 ~に対(たい)する: against, about
   警戒(けいかい)を呼(よ)びかけている: giving a warning
   強風(きょうふう): strong wind
   域(いき): area, zone
   どんどん: rapidly
   広(ひろ)がっている: is getting wider, bigger
   ~が特徴(とくちょう)です: has a charactaristic
   四国(しこく): Shikoku island
   関東地方(ちほう): Kanto region
   広(ひろ)い範囲(はんい): wide range
   風速(ふうそく)15メートル: 15m/second
   以上(いじょう): over, more than
   抜(ぬ)けた後(あと): after it passes
   長(なが)い間(あいだ): for a long time
   風(かぜ)が吹(ふ)く: wind blows
   N2 ~ことになりそうです: will probably end up
   N2 ~から~にかけて: from~till~ (range with a vague beginning and end)
   もしくは: or
   上陸(じょうりく)する: to land
   N2 恐(おそ)れがある: something bad is likely to happen

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