April 4, 2011

The dog could meet his family again!


The dog, which was rescued on the water three weeks later from the earthquake, could meet again with his owner
The owner of the dog was watching a TV news at an evacuation center went to the animal shelter and finally meets his dog again.
I am soooooo happy!!!!

MSN 産経ニュース

   地震(じしん): earthquake
   3週間後(さんしゅうかんご): three weeks later
   海(うみ)の上(うえ): on the sea
   救助(きゅうじょ)された: recued
   犬(いぬ): dog
   飼(か)い主(ぬし): owner
   再会(さいかい): meet again
   避難所(ひなんじょ): evacuation center
   動物(どうぶつ)愛護(あいご)センター: animal care center, shelter
   本当(ほんとう)に: really

1 comment:

Japan Australia said...

This was really great news and I am so happy yo hear that dog and owner have been re-united.

Japan Australia