April 10, 2011

2000years old Sakura (Cherry Blossoms) tree


Sakura (Cherry Blossoms) was in full bloom in Tokyo this weekend.
Today’s Blog topic is about a meaningful Sakura.
This Sakura tree is in Yamanashi prefecture and it is said that the tree is 2000 years old.
I think this tree must have been seen not only good things but also bad things and had hard time through the 2000years.
But this Sakura blooms beautifully again this year.
The tree tells us as though we must get stronger.

神代桜(じんだいさくら) Wikipedia

   この週末(しゅうまつ): this weekend
   東京(とうきょう): Tokyo
   桜(さくら): Sakura(Cherry Blossoms)   
   満開(まんかい)になった: has been in full bloom
   今日(きょう): today
   心(こころ)強(つよ)い: heartening, encouraging
   話題(わだい): topic
   山梨県(やまなしけん): Yamanashi Prefecture
   樹齢(じゅれい): tree age
   ~と言(い)われている: it is said that ~
   ~の間(あいだ)ずっと: has been since ~ ago
   いい事(こと): good thing
   悪(わる)いこと: bad thing
   大変(たいへん)なこと: difficult/hard/serious thing
   AもBもCも: A,B and also C
   経験(けいけん)した: experienced
   ~と思(おも)います: (I) think that ~
   でも: but
   今年(ことし)も: this year too
   美(うつ)しい: beautiful, graceful, elegant
   咲(さ)かせる: to blow
   私(わたし)たち: we
   強(つよ)くならなければいけない: must get strong
   教(おしえ)えてくれる: (lit. meaning) teach
   ~ようです: looks like

1 comment:

Japan Australia said...

Looks really nice and reminds me of Usuzumi Sakura in Gifu.

Japan Australia