January 31, 2011

Visit Japan 2010 campaign result



Today I will write about an article about the sightseeing tourists who visit to Japan.
The Japan National Tourism Organization announced on 26th Jan the number of foreign tourists (estimated figure) which was 8.6M people, was 26.8% highter than the previous year
The demand of travel abroad was expanded due to economic recovery, advertising effects of visit Japan campaign were factors of the increase of the number of foreign visitors and also the Haneda Airport started regular international flight services in the end of last October had also benefit.

   今日(きょう): today
   sightseeing tourists who come to Japan
   ~について: about ~
   記事(きじ): article
   The Japan National Tourism Organization
   the number of foreign people who visit Japan
   推計値(すいけいち): estimated figure
   発表(はっぴょう): to announce
   前年比(ぜんねんひ): compare with the previous year
   26.8%増(ぞう): increase 26.8%
   861万(まん)2000人(にん): 8,612,000 people
   大(おお)きく伸(の)びた: grew
   ~が分かった: found out (the number indicated)
   世界(せかい)各国(かっこく): all the countries of the world
   景気(けいき)回復(かいふく): economic recovery
   ~による: because of
   外国旅行(がいこくりょこう): travel abroad
   需要(じゅよう): demand
   拡大(かくだい): expansion
   訪日(ほうにち)旅行(りょうこう): visit Japan
   宣伝(せんでん)効果(こうか): advertising effects
   客数(きゃくすう): the number of visitors
   増加(ぞうか)要因(よういん): factors of the increase o
   ~ほか: and others
   10月(がつ)末(まつ): the end of October
   羽田(はねだ)空港(くうこう): Haneda airport
   regular international flight services
   就航(しゅうこう): in service,
   追(お)い風(かぜ): following wind=stimulation, benefit

  (M People)                        Korea,     Taiwan,     China,     HK,       US

MSN News

January 25, 2011

Nintendo 3DS has region codes



Nintendo 3DS new information (written in simple Japanese).
Nintendo 3DS is scheduled to go on sale on Feb. 26th.
They announced it has “region codes”.
It will be sold in Japan can use only software that will be sold in Japan.
Which means, it will be sold in North America cannot use software will be sold in Japan.
Please be aware of it if you are planning to buy it and not living in Japan.

   新(あたら)しい情報(じょうほう): new information
   簡単(かんたん)な日本語(にほんご): simple Japanese
   発売(はつばい)予定(よてい): be scheduled to go on sale
   ~がわかりました: found out
   日本(にほん)で買(か)った(Noun): the (Noun) that one bought in Japan
   ~しか: only
   使(つか)えません: cannot be used
   北米(ほくべい): North America
   日本に住(す)んでいない方(かた): the one who is not living in Japan
   the one who is planning to buy (Noun)

   気(き)をつけましょう: be aware

Rocket News 24


January 21, 2011

ニンテンドー3DS reservation started today, 20th Jan



Let’s read an Internet article today.
“Nintendo 3DS” which is a Nintendo potable game player (listed price is 25,000yen) is scheduled to go on sale on Feb 26th 2011.
The reservation started on Jan 20th today at game stores or electronics retail shops and others.
Some people already showed up in front of those shops around midnight in Shinjuku, Tokyo, and more than 50people were queuing after 6am on the 20th.

Rocket News 24


   発売(はつばい): be released
   予定(よてい)されている: be scheduled to go on sale
   任天堂(にんてんどう): Nintendo
   携帯型(けいたいがた)ゲーム機(き): portable game player
   定価(ていか): regular price, listed price
   全国(ぜんこく): whole of country,
   家電量販店(かでんりょうはんてん): electronics retail stores
   ゲーム販売店(はんばいてん): game stores
   予約(よやく)受付(うけつけ): to accept reservation
   東京(とうきょう)・新宿(しんじゅく): Shinjuku in Tokyo
   深夜(しんや): late at night
   店舗(てんぽ)の前(まえ): in front of the shops
   並(なら)ぶ人(ひと): people queuing
   現(あらわ)れた: show up
   午前(ごぜん)6時(じ)過(す)ぎ: after 6am
   50人(にん)以上(いじょう)の人たち: over 50 people
   列(れつ)をなす: queue up

January 15, 2011

日本のファーストフード「牛丼」 Japanese fast-foods "beef-bawl" 


It is often said “Quick, cheap and tasty” Gyudon (beef-bawl) is one of the Japanese fast-foods.
Most of the people in the restaurants are men, so it is a little bit difficult for you ladies to go there and eat alone.
But don’t worry, you can take it home.
Now those Gyudon restaurants are offering campaigns, prices are 240-270yen for M size bawl.
Maybe you should try it at least once.

   ファーストフード: fast-food
   早(はや)い: quick, speedy
   安(やす)い: cheap, low price
   牛丼(ぎゅうどん): beef-bawl, a bowl of rice topped with beef
   お客(きゃく)さん: customers
   ほとんど: almost all
   男性(だんせい): men
   女性(じょせい): women
   ひとりで食(た)べる: eat alone
   勇気(ゆうき): courage
   必要(ひつよう): need
   でも: but
   お持(も)ち帰(かえ)り: takeaway, takeout
   大丈夫(だいじょうぶ): all right, no problem, ok
   今(いま): now
   どこのお店(みせ)も: any beef-bawl restaurants
   キャンペーン中(ちゅう): during a promotion campaign
   普通(ふつう)サイズ: M size
   一度(いちど): once
   食(た)べてみる: try and eat it
   ~てみては: 「どうですか」「いかがですか」 are omitted afterwards.
            “Why don’t you try it?”

吉野家(よしのや) 111周年(111 years anniversary)

January 14, 2011

What is your favorite Japanese word or phrase???



What is your favorite Japanese word or phrase???
   好(す)きな: favorite, like
   ことば: words, vocabulary


January 10, 2011



Happy new year! Sorry for my slow update.
Did you have relaxing New Year holidays?
It is hard to work after taking a long holiday. Gambarimasho!
Have you decided your New Year’s Resolution?
I would like to have many students who are at “Minnano Nihongo II” or “Japanese for Busy People Book III” level and want to be a good teacher.


   遅(おそ)くなった: (lit.) it became late
   お正月(しょうがつ): New Year’s day, or New Year’s holidays
   休(やす)み: break, holiday
長い休みのあと、仕事をするのは大変ですね! がんばりましょう!
   長(なが)い休み: long holidays
   (Noun) のあと: after (Noun)
   仕事(しごと)をする: to work
   ところで: by the way
   新年(しんねん)の抱負(ほうふ): new year’s resolution
私は「みんなの日本語Ⅱ」または「Japanese for Busy People Book Ⅲ」レベルの生徒さんのレッスンをたくさんして、もっといい先生になりたいです。
   生徒(せいと): students
   もっと: more