July 31, 2010

成田空港出国ラッシュ  Narita Airport, Massive exodus



成田空港 夏休み「海外で充電」…出国ラッシュがピーク
7月31日10時38分配信 毎日新聞

Narita Airport, Massive exodus
Recharge in overseas during summer holidays

Narita Airport Check-in Counter, on July 31st


 Mainichi Shimbun News 

The number of departing people who spend their summer holidays in overseas at Narita International Airport peaked on 31st, July.
There are about 47,700 people leave Japan at Narita only the day.
According to the Narita International Airport Cooperation, oversea trips rise in demand because the economy is picking up.
During the summer holidays (July 15th – Aug. 31st), expecting 5.3% increases comparing last year, 3.8 million people travel.
It excess 2008 summer, before Lehman’s fall.

- words & phrases -

成田空港(なりたくうこう): Narita Airport
夏休(なつやす)み: summer holidays
海外(かいがい): overseas
充電(じゅうでん): recharge one’s batteries
出国(しゅっこく): to depart
ラッシュ: rush
過(す)ごす: to spend
旅行客(りょこうきゃく): travelers
ピークを迎(むか)えた: to peak
成田国際(こくさい)空港: Narita International Airport
千葉県(ちばけん)成田市(なりたし): Narita-City, Chiba-prefecture
この日(ひ)だけで: only the day
約(やく)4万(まん)7700人(にん): about 47,700 people
旅立(たびだ)つ: to depart
成田航空会社(かいしゃ): Narita International Airport Cooperation
景気(けいき): economic conditions, economic environment
持(も)ち直(なお)して: come out of a slump, pick up
需要(じゅよう)が 高(たか)まり: rise in demand
増加(ぞうか): increase
近場(ちかば): closer place,
リゾート地(ち): resort area, holiday resort
人気(にんき): popular
期間(きかん): duration, period
出入国者数(しゅつにゅうこくしゃすう): the number of entry and departure people
前年比(ぜんねんひ): year to year comparison
5.3%(ごうてんさんパーセント)増(ぞう): 5.3% up
381万(まん)2300人: 3,812,300 people
リーマン・ショック直前(ちょくぜん): just before Lehman’s fall
上回(うわま)る: excess
水準(すいじゅん): level
予想(よそう)している: expecting

July 30, 2010

JLPT New Site



It was not that hot yesterday and the day before since it rained but it seems like will be hot again from tomorrow.

Sorry not to be able to updated my blog since I have been very busy.

JLPT Web Site

JLPT Web Site renewed on July 13th.

Here is the link.

Sample questions are here.

4 new points

Gambatte ne!

July 24, 2010

きょうも暑い It’s another hot day today.


Let’s read the Internet article today.

It’s another hot day today.
Super hot day with temperatures exceeding 35C, 4 days in row.

7月24日12時37分配信 読売新聞
July 24th, Yomiuri Shimbun


The powerful Pacific anticyclones overlies the whole Japan islands again today, the temperature went up from the morning.
Four straight extremely hot days calls “Mosho-bi”, the highest temperature goes over 35C, equals the longest record in recorded history in Otemachi, Tokyo.
And other places went over 30C which is called “Manatsu-bi”.

- words & phrases -

暑(あつ)い: hot
東京(とうきょう)大手町(おおてまち): Tokyo, Otemachi
猛暑日(もうしょび): extremely hot day, the highest temperature goes over 35C
4日連続(れんぞく): 4 days in row
読売新聞(よみうりしんぶん): Yomiuri Shimbun
日本列島(にほんれっとう): Japan islands, the Japanese archipelago
各地(かくち): in various locations
勢力(せいりょく): power, potent
太平洋高気圧(たいへいようこうきあつ): high-pressure system in the Pacific Ocean
覆(おお)われて: be covered
気温(きおん): (air) temperature
観測史上(かんそくしじょう): in recorded history
最長(さいちょう)記録(きろく) に並(なら)ぶ: equal the longest record
真夏日(まなつび): extremely hot day, the highest temperature goes over 30C

The rods and buildings also get hot in Tokyo because it is covered by concrete and it is humid, you would feel much higher than the temperature.

Sankei News

July 19, 2010

「海の日」 Marine Day


Today, the third Monday in July, was a national holiday called “Marine Day”.
It was a perfectly proper day for Marine day as it was super hot day and felt wanted to spend the day by the water.
It went up to 36.5C in Tokyo too.
All animals at zoos were wilted.
Please take good care of yourself too.
Drink a lot of liquid to prevent heat stroke.

MSN News


- words & phrase -

7月(がつ)第(だい)3月曜日(げつようび): the third Monday of July
海(うみ)の日(ひ): Marine Day
known as 'Ocean Day' or 'Sea Day' is a Japanese national holiday celebrated on the third Monday in July.
祝日(しゅくじつ): public holiday
ふさわしい: appropriate, fit, proper, suitable
一日中(いちにちじゅう): all day long
水(みず)のそばで: by the water
過(す)ごしたいぐらい: almost
暑(あつ)かった: it was hot
動物園(どうぶつえん): zoo
動物達(たち): animals
ぐったり: wilt,
水分(すいぶん): liquids, water
取(と)る: drink, take
熱射病(ねっしゃびょう): heat stroke


July 18, 2010

富士山 Mt. Fuji 


Mt. Fuji is very popular not only for Japanese but also for people form overseas.
Some of my school’s students climb Mt. Fuji every year.
The number is increasing from about 200,000 (5 years ago) to 300,000 (last year).
From July 1st to Aug 31st which its mountain huts are open is the top season, there are about 5,000people are climbing every day during the two months.
Actually I have never climbed Mt. Fuji.
Then they ask me I am Japanese.
And the answer is I am Japanese for sure.



- words & phrases -

富士山(ふじさん): Mt. Fuji
海外(かいがい)からの方(かた): people from overseas
人気(にんき)のある山(やま): a mountain which is very popular
私(わたし)の学校(がっこう)の生徒(せいと)さん達(たち)も: students of my school are also
毎年(まいとし): every year
必(かなら)ず: always,
誰(だれ)かが登(のぼ)っています: somebody climbs
5年前(ねんまえ): 5 years ago
約(やく)20万人(まんにん): about 200,000 people
増(ふ)え続(つづ)け: continuously increasing
去年(きょねん): last year
山小屋(やまごや): mountain cottage/hut/lodge
トップシーズン: top season
その2カ月間(かげつかん): the two months
毎日(まいにち): everyday
ことになります: end up, it means that
実(じつ)は: actually
間違(まちが)いなく: no doubt
(笑): LOL


July 14, 2010

New JLPT, 2010 July informaion


I heard something from our students who took the New JLPT.

① N1聴解は「絵のある問題」がなかった
There were no listening quizes with pictures.

② N3を受けた人は12月にN3をターゲットにしている人が多かった
There were many people who took N3 aimed N3 in this December.

③ N3の聴解は思っていたほど難しくなかった
N3 listening was not difficult as they thought.

④ N2の聴解はとても易しかった
N2 listening was super easy.

I found a Chinese site which uploads JLPT questions and answers while I was surfing the Internet.

I was surprised as I think questions sheets are not allowed to bring home…


N1 : 文法 読解 聴解 MP3-1 MP3-2
N2 : 文字・語彙 文法 読解 聴解 MP3
N3 : 言語知識 文法 読解 聴解 MP3-1 MP3-2



July 10, 2010

The first banana vending machine has been installed 日本初のバナナの自動販売機



Let’s read an Internet article today.

The first banana vending machine has been installed in Shibuya station, Tokyo, by Dole.
130yen for each, 390yen for a bunch.
It targets students or working people live alone who cannot take fruit because they are too busy even they want to.
They can buy bananas when they do not have to eat breakfast or feel a little bit hungry.
It becomes popular that it is sold out from time to time.


- words & phrases -

読んでみましょう: let’s (try to) read
東京(とうきょう): Tokyo
渋谷駅(しぶやえき): Shibuya station
日本初(にほんはつ): the first thing in Japan
自動販売機(じどうはんばいき): vending machine
~によって: by ~
Dole社(しゃ)によって: by Dole
設置(せっち)された: (passive form) installed
1房(ひとふさ): bunch, hand
普段(ふだん): usually
忙(いそが)しくて: because busy
~ても: even if
1人(ひとり)暮(ぐ)らし: live alone
学生(がくせい): student
社会人(しゃかいじん): working people
ターゲット: target
朝食(ちょうしょく): breakfast
小腹(こばら)がすく: feel a little bit hungry
小腹を満(み)たす: to fill stomach, eat a little bit
気軽(きがる)に: casually, easy,
特徴(とくちょう): feature
かなり: very
人気(にんき): popular
売(う)り切(き)れてしまう: sold out
こともある: sometimes



July 6, 2010

JAMIROQUAI 1994 smash hit “Virtual Insanity” now on TV CM


JAMIROQUAI Nisshin Cup Noodles TV commercial is now hot in Japan.
This is his 1994 smash hit “Virtual Insanity” filksong.
Does he really sing this song in Japanese?
(Nissin says it is a top seacret.)

Nissin WebSite

これが彼の1996年大ヒットのVirtual Insanity の替え歌版です。

♪♪ Futures made of Virtual Insanity
  now Always seem to, be
  govern’d by this love we have ♪♪

--そして日本語の部分は (Japanese part is as follows) --

♪♪ 歌(うた)ってたら、腹(はら)減(へ)った
  Oh!カップヌードル 5つ食(た)べられるぐらい♪
  カップヌードルがいいよ~ ♪♪

I got hungry when I was singing.
hungry! hungry!
Oh! Cup Noodle I am hungry so I can eat 5 of them.
Don’t wanna others, no-no!
I wanna Cup Noodle!

July 4, 2010

JLPT Gambatte kudasai!



Today is the day of JLPT.
Please stay calm to get the best from yourself.
It is a shame if you miswrite knowing correct answers.
Don’t forget to bring the exam admission card, pencils, erasers, watch and others with you.
Gambatte kudasai ne!  Good luck!


July 2, 2010

the first new JLPT on Sunday, July 4th 2010  7月4日に新しいJLPTが行われます



The first new JLPT will be held on this Sunday.
Its passing score will be announced in September.

It must be hard especially for you from Uruguay, Ghana, Argentina, Germany, Netherlands, Chile, Paraguay and Spain as there are the World Cup games on Friday and Saturday.

For one who takes N1 or N2, Vocabulary/Grammar/Reading are in the same part and have 110min (N1) and 105min (N2).
All of you have strong and weak points, also the scores for reading and grammar is not the same, there is no common “the best way” for everyone.
Start from what you are good at.
It is going to be a fight against time.
It must be very hard to take the test not to lose your concentration for about 2 hours.
If possible, go to bed early (not to watch the succor games ^^) the day before, eat breakfast a lot, also eat power bar, banana or chocolate during the break for brain energy charge.
Because another one hour for listening comprehension is waiting for you.
Gambatte kudasai!




- words & phrases -

いよいよ: finally
今度(こんど)の日曜日(にちようび): this Sunday
合格(ごうかく)基準(きじゅん): passing score/mark
行(おこな)われます: be held
試合(しあい): match, game
受験(じゅけん)する方(かた): one who takes an exam
含(ふく)まれている: be included
得意(とくい)・不得意(ふとくい): likes and dislikes, strong and weak points
~し~ので: reason connective
共通(きょうつう)する: common
一番(いちばん)いい方法(ほうほう): the best way/method
とにかく: anyway
時間(じかん)との戦(たたか)い: fight/battle/struggle against time
集中力(しゅうちゅうりょく): concentration, concentration power
切(き)らさないで: not to lose
テストを受(う)ける: take a test
とても大変(たいへん)だ: very hard
できれば: if you can
当日(とうじつ): on the day
しっかり食(た)べる: eat a lot, eat a full meal,
休憩時間(きゅうけいじかん): break time