May 11, 2010

「日本人の日本語レベル」 native Japanese people’s Japanese levels



I will write about “native Japanese people’s Japanese levels”.
For example, we do not use so much difficult words when we talk with friends or families.
Probably about JLPT N4 (old 3kyu) we use.
It depends on the topics but talking with N5(old 4kyu) level would be not much problem.
In business situation, we use N2(old 2kyu) level grammars and vocabularies.
It is often said JLPT N4 is “daily conversational level” and N2 is business level.
So N2 is usually required for job hunting in Japan.


- words & phrases -

今日(きょう): today
書(か)きたいと思(おも)います: I think I want to write (lit. meaning)
例(たと)えば: for example
友達(ともだち)や家族(かぞく): friends and families (implying “and others”)
話(はな)す時(とき): we one talk
普通(ふつう): usually, normally
そんなに: not really
難(むずか)しいことば: difficult words
~を使(つか)って話(はな)しません: not to speak using ~
多分(たぶん): probably
旧(きゅう): old
話題(わだい): conversation topics
~にもよります: it depends on ~
あまり~ない(negative form): not really
問題(もんだい)がありません: there are no problems
文法(ぶんぽう): grammars
語彙(ごい): vocabularies
日常(にちじょう)会話(かいわ): daily conversation
~と言われています: (passive) it is said that ~
ですから: therefore
必要(ひつよう)条件(じょうけん): essential qualification, necessary condition
~が多(おお)いようです: seems like there are lots of ~

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