May 17, 2010

How many Kanji you think you need to study per day?



I will write about the number of Kanji you study.
This is an ideal/model plan.
Study 2 new Kanji per day, 10 Kanji on weekdays from Monday to Friday and review them on weekend.
52 weeks per year so you can study about 500 Kanji per year.
(I think there are some days that you cannot study.)
You can study up to the N1 Level Kanji (about 2000Kanji) within 4 years by calculation.
But I know it is quite hard.
So think about your plan, maybe study 1 new Kanji everyday or study 3 days from Monday to Wednesday.
2 new Kanji means to study 10 new Kanji phrases too.
(There are about 5 Kanji phrases for each Kanji.)
And you also need to review what you have studied.
For example, 2 new Kanji and review 2 Kanji every day.
You also need to study grammars so 2 Kanji per day looks easy but quite difficult if you are a business person.
Little by little.
Gambatte kudasai!


- words & phrases -

今日(きょう): today
勉強(べんきょう)する漢字(かんじ)の数(かず): the number of Kanji one study
~について書(か)きます: I will write about ~
モデルプラン: ideal plan, model plan
新(あたら)しい漢字: new Kanji
毎日(まいにち)2個(こ): 2 Kanji every day
月(げつ)~金(きん): from Monday to Friday
週末(しゅうまつ): weekend
復習(ふくしゅう)します: to review
1年(ねん)は52週(しゅう): there are 52 weeks in a year
1年で約(やく)500個: about 500 Kanji per year
計算(けいさん)では: by calculation
なかなか難(むず)しい: quite difficult
忙(いそが)しい人(ひと): busy people
毎日1つにする: decided to study only one Kanji
~か~か: ~ or ~
調整(ちょうせい)してください: please adjust
(A)ということは(B)ということです: (A) means (B)
語彙(ごい): vocabulary
漢字の熟語(じゅくご): phrases which are compounds by Kanji
そして: and then
(A) ながら (B): do (B) while do (B)
必要(ひつよう)です: need
例(たと)えば: for example
仕事(しごと)をしている人: one who works
~もしなければなりません: have to do ~ too
かなり: fairly
大変(たいへん)です: difficult
少(すこし)しずつ: little by little

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