August 31, 2009

【台風11号】 31日昼すぎに関東地方に接近する見通し



【台風11号】八丈島の南南東120キロ 時速15キロで北西へ
2009.8.31 01:27

- words & phrases -
天気予報(てんきよほう): weather forecast
読(よ)んでみましょう: let’s try to read
八丈島(はちじょうじま): Hachijo island
南南東(なんなんとう): south-southeast
時速(じそく): speed per hour
北西(ほくせい): northwest
昼過(ひるす)ぎ: early afternoon
関東地方(かんとちほう): Kanto region
接近(せっきん)する: come close
見通(みとお)し: forecast
太平洋(たいへいよう)側(がわ): on the Pacific side
次第(しだい)に: gradually
強(つよ)まる: get stronger
Japan Meteorological Agency
注意(ちゅうい)を呼(よ)び掛(か)けている: raise an alert over, put out an alert to

MSN weather info

(( Typhoon #11 )) 120km south-southeast from Hachijo Island, comes up to northwest

Typhoon #11 came up to northwest from Hachijo island .
It will reach to Kanto region around noon today, Aug. 31.
Rain and wind will get stronger, Japan Meteorological Agency raises an alert over it.

August 30, 2009

機動戦士(きどうせんし) ガンダム (Mobile Suit Gundam)


Japanese anime and manga is very popular all over the world.
I am sure there are lots of
Gandam fans here too.
Gandam celebrate its 30th anniversary this year since TV broadcast started.
One of the celebration projects, 18m tall life size Gandam has been built in
There was a couple who had their wedding ceremony in front of Gandam.
The groom in Amuro’s (hero) costume and the bride in her wedding dress to pledge eternal love.
Gandam in Odaiba movie



- words & phrases -
世界中(せかいじゅう): all over the world
人気(にんき): popular
TV(テレビ)放映(ほうえい): TV broadcast
30周年(しゅうねん)記念(きねん)を迎(むか)える: celebrate its 30th anniversary
お台場(だいば): Odaiba is one of the entertainment spots in Tokyo
等身大(とうしんだい): life size
結婚式(けっこんしき)を挙(あ)げる: have a wedding ceremony
新郎(しんろう): groom
主人公(しゅじんこう): hero/heroine, central character
新婦(しんぷ): bride
永遠(えいえん)の愛(あい)を誓(ちか)う: to pledge eternal love

the wedding ceremony , the groom is in Amuro’s costume

August 28, 2009

妊婦(にんぷ)ヌード Maternity Nude 


It’s been a while since I update my Blog the last time, as I didn’t feel well and have been very busy.

I wrote about some grammars last time so I will write something totally different.... about “Maternity Nude” today.
Hitomi” is a popular singer/actress who released a new album called “Love Life 2” in June.
What surprised us was
its jacket, it is on her nude during her pregnancy.
(She has her first child last December.)

It is said that it is the most beautiful period for women when they are pregnant so she thought she wanted to have her photo on her new album jacket for her baby.
And also it became a trigger for lots of women who also want to feel like to take their naked photos for their families.

There are some photo shops started to take pregnant women’s nude photos.
Would you like to take your own maternity nude photos too???

Oh, by the way, I saved some Hitomi’s photos on
Photobucket for my Blog but they deleted one of them because it violated their terms of use.
All right, here is Hitomi’s photo.

MSN News

And these photos are from a photo shop that offers taking those photos.

Photobucket Photobucket
Photobucket Photobucket

Demi Moore is one of the most famous celebrities for maternity nude.     

August 18, 2009

動詞  verb classifications


I will write about classifications of verbs today.

(a) Group 1(u-verb), Group 2(ru-verb) and Irregular

① Group 1 – “ i “ comes before masu. かきます→ kaki-masu
② Group 2 – “ e “ comes before masu. みせます→ mise-masu
  exception : there are 8 words “ i “ comes before masu in Group 2.
 みます(see)、います(be there)、きます(wear)、できます(can do)、
 おきます(get up)、あびます(take a shower)、かります(borrow)、

 おります(get off)
③ Irregular – two words, きます(come) and します (do)

(b) 意志動詞(いしどうし) & 無意志動詞(むいしどうし)

①意志動詞 (volitional verb) 

 : the subject somehow willingly initiate the action.
  ex. よむ(to read)、たべる(to eat)、はしる(to run)

②無意志動詞 (non-volitional verb)

 : the subject performs the action but does not necessarily willingly do so.
  ex. ふる(to rain),さく(to bloom), ふえる(increase)

(c) 自動詞(じどうし) & 他動詞(たどうし)

① 自動詞(intransitive verb) : verb which do not need objects
 The subject of an intransitive sentence is often an inanimate object.
 ex. あめがふります。 Rain will fall. → It will rain.

②他動詞(transitive verb) : verb which need objects
 A person who does something usually becomes the subject of a transitive sentence.
 ex. かれは まいあさ しんぶんを よみます。 He reads newspaper every morning.

(d) 継続動詞(けいぞくどうし) & 瞬間動詞(しゅんかんどうし)

①継続動詞(duration verb) : verb expresses progressive actions
 ex. たべる(to eat)、よむ(to read),
 This verb’s “~ている” form indicates ongoing action

 such as : たべている (be eating)

②瞬間動詞(momentary verb) : verb expresses momentary actions
 ex. けっこんする (to marry), しぬ(to die)
 This verb’s “~ている” form indicates completion

 such as : けっこんしている (be married)
 Therefore, “~ている” form does not indicate ongoing actions.

* Most of verbs can be either ① or ②, for example, 「きる (to wear)」
 「きものをきている」 means “She wears/is in Kimono” or “She is now wearing Kimono.”

There are some other categories but these are the most important ones.

August 16, 2009

happy feelings :)


I heard from my student the other day that he proposed to his girlfriend.
He and his story made me happy too.
It is great that happiness can also make others happy.
By the way, he proposed to her with very romantic and wonderful way.
And he said “why Japanese men do not think those romantic ways, I don’t know why.”
Well… I wonder why…


う~ん。。。 なんでかなぁ。。。

- words & phrases -
少(すこ)し前(まえ): the other day, some time ago
私(わたし)の生徒(せいと)さん: my student
彼女(かのじょ)にプロポーズした: proposed her
聞(き)かせてもらって: ~てもらう shows gratitude
なんだか: kind of
ハッピーな気持(きもち) になった: became happy feelings
幸(しあわ)せ: happy
他(ほか)の人(ひと): others
ところで: by the way
素敵(すてき)な: wonderful, great
方法(ほうほう): way, method


August 14, 2009

細マッチョ vs ゴリマッチョ "Hoso-macho" vs "Gori-macho"



In Japan, not "Gori-macho" but "Hoso-macho" boys are very popular!
*Hoso-macho is a man who looks slim but has muscles. ("hoso" is from "hosoi" means slim)
*Gori-macho is a man who looks like a body builder. ("gori" is from "gorilla")

Hoso-macho vs Gori-macho movie

(Asked 500 women who is in their 20s.)
Q: What body types do you like?
・Hoso-macho - 77.4%
・Gori-macho  - 13.4%
・others      - 9.2%
The gap of “He looks slim but…” and “I like a man whose appearance is stylish” are the big two reasons for“Hoso-macho” lovers.
Or “Gori-macho” had an impression of “Gori-macho = too much training = narcissist?”
Therefore, lot of women love “Hoso-macho”.




- words & phrases -
細(ほそ)マッチョ: やせているのに、筋肉(きんにく)のある男性(だんせい)
          a man who looks slim but has muscles
ゴリマッチョ: ボディービルダーのような体の男性
        a man who looks like a bodybuilder
モテる: a man/woman who is popular among women/men
その他(た) : others
細そう: looks slim
ギャップ: gap
外見(がいけん): appearance
スタイリッシュ: stylish
細身(ほそみ): someone who is slender (for both male/female)
好(この)み: favorite taste
支持(しじ): support
鍛(きた)える: to train (in this context)
~すぎ: too much to do ~
ナルシスト: narcissist
印象(いんしょう): impression, image
少(すく)なくない: not so few = a lot

August 13, 2009

New JLPT Newsflash



As you have already known, new JLPT (Japanese Language Proficiency Test) will start from next year, 2010.
JLPT site announces a very big difference (only in Japanese now).

There are three parts, もじ・ごい, ちょうかい and どっかい that the current system has.
You can pass when total score is over 60% (Level 1 is 70%) even if some of them are less than 60%.
For example, someone who can get nearly 100% for listening, but he gets only 50% for reading comprehension part, still he can pass the test with the current system.

On the other hand, the new system requires to excess the certain percentage (will be informed in next year) all of them.

Is this good or bad for you?

As a teacher, it is good :)


August 12, 2009

ミスユニバース日本代表の衣装 the costume for Miss Universe Japan 2009 ②


Miss Universe has been started.

The costume design for Japan representation has been changed, its front side became longer.
Well…  it has not been changed…?




えーっと。。。あまり変わってない? ^^

- words & phrases -
世界大会(せかいたいかい): world competition
問題(もんだい)になっていた: became an issue
問題になっていた+Noun: noun modification
日本代表(にほんだいひょう): representation from Japan
衣装(いしょう): costume
前側(まえがわ): front side
変更(へんこう)された: passive, it was changed

August 11, 2009

耳かき専門店  ear cleaning salon



A young lady working for an ear cleaning salon was stubbed and her grandmother was killed last week.
The criminal was a frequent customer and always called her.
“Ear cleaning salon” is where you can get your ears cleaned and the customers can lie on the young female worker’s lap.
It costs about 3000yen per 30min.
He spent about 100,000 yen per month and sometimes stayed the place about 10 hours a day.
He misunderstood the lady liked him then he started to stalk her because she refused going out with him.
The workers can earn 3000yen per hour, some of them get over 500,000yen per month.I didn’t know anything about ear cleaning salons till this affair.
There are some shops that offer strange services in Japan.
Weird country…

ear cleaning salone

Sankei News

- words & phrases -
耳(みみ)かき: clean ears
専門店(せんもんてん): specialized store
~で働(はたら)く女性(じょせい): a woman who works for ~
祖母(そぼ): grandmother
殺傷(さっしょう)された: stabbed and killed
犯人(はんにん): criminal
常連客(じょうれんきゃく): regular customer, frequent customer
指名(しめい)する: ask the worker to get the service
膝枕(ひざまくら): to place one’s head on someone other’s lap
料金(りょうきん): fee
~と勘違(かんちが)いする: to get something wrong
断(ことわ)られた: to refuse, to deny
ストーカー行為(こうい)をする: to stalk someone
中(なか)には: some of them
稼(かせ)ぐ: to earn
事件(じけん): affair, case
不思議(ふしぎ)な: mysterious, strange, weird,


August 10, 2009

地震 じしん earthquake


A strong earthquake hit Japan Sunday evening around 8pm.
Magnitude 7.1, in Tokyo, it was
Shindo 4.
Magnitude indicates earthquake energy, how big it is and “shindo” indicates degree of shaking.
Even if magnitude is big, but if an earthquake occurred somewhere far or deep, it does not cause big shaking.
As for Shindo 4, you can feel it even if you are walking.
I was pushing the cupboard because I felt it would fall down.

- Shindo 4 -

People :
  Many people are frightened. Some people try to escape from danger.
  Most sleeping people awake.
Indoor situations :

  Hanging objects swing considerably and dishes in a cupboard rattle.
  Unstable ornaments fall occasionally.
Outdoor situations :

  Electric wires swing considerably.
  People walking on a street and some people driving automobiles notice the tremor.



- words & phrases -
日曜日(にちようび): Sunday
地震(じしん): earthquake
seismic intensity, literally "degree of shaking"
表(あらわ)す: indicates
揺(ゆ)れる: to shake
~ても: even if ~
離(はなれ)れている: be away from ~
深(ふか)い: deep
揺れ: (noun) quake
感(かん)じる: feel
食器棚(しょっきだな): cupboard
倒(たお)れそう: about to fall down
気(き)がする: feel like
押さえる: to hold


August 9, 2009

形容詞(けいようし) adjectives


Today, I will write about classifications of Japanese adjectives :

(a) い形容詞(けいようし) & な形容詞

 ① い形容詞( i-adjectives) end with " い " and it is placed directly
   before the noun to modify. 
 ② な形容詞(na-adjectives) do not end with " い " and they must be

   followed by “na” when they modify the noun. 
   There are 5 exceptions which end with " い" :

   きれい (beautiful)、しつれい (rude)、ていねい (polite)、きらい (dislike)
   ゆうめい (famous)、
 ③ conjugations are different.
       present  present negative    past     past negative
   i-adj  : ちいさい ・ ちいさくない   ・ ちいさかった ・ ちいさくなかった
   na-adj : きれいだ・ きれいじゃない・ きれいだった ・ きれいじゃなかった

(b) 属性形容詞(ぞくせいけいようし) & 感情形容詞(かんじょうけいようし)

 ①属性形容詞 (attribute adjectives)
  These adjectives are used to qualify the meaning of a noun.
   ex. あかい花 (red flower), わかいひと (young people),
      しずかなこうえん (quiet park), たかいかべ (high wall)
 ②感情形容詞 (emotive adjectives)  
  ex. うれしい (happy), かなしい(sad), いたい(hurt),
  感情形容詞 expresses only speaker’s feelings,
  because you really don’t know other’s feelings.
  When they are used for someone others, 「がる」「そう・みたい」

  need to be added.
  ex. かれは いたがっています。(Seems like he is in pain.)
     かれは かなしそうです。 (Looks like he is sad.)

(c) 客観形容詞(きゃっかんけいようし) & 主観形容詞(しゅかんけいようし)

 ① 客観形容詞 (objective adjectives) which express colors,
   shapeds and so on.
   ex. まるいはこ (round box), あおいそら (blue sky)

 ② 主観形容詞 (subjective adjectives)
   ex. おもしろいほん (interesting book), かわいいふく (cute cloths)
     なつかしいはなし (a story that make someone feel nostalgic)


August 8, 2009

東京 Tokyo



Every time I go to central Tokyo, I feel like I am a traveler.
It would probably be the same feeling of the movie “Lost in Translation”.
Look at this fantastic movie here, I just cannot believe this is the place where I grew up and live now.

まるで Lost in Translation の映画のように。

- words & phrases -
中心地(ちゅうしんち): central area
(Verb dictionary form) + たびに: every time I do ~
~のようなNoun: it is like ~
素敵(すてき)な: great, wonderful, beautiful, (it is used for people too)
生(う)まれ育(そだ)つ: born and rased
信(しん)じられない: it is hardly to believe, cannot believe


August 7, 2009

「おぼえる」 「わすれる」 「おもいだす」 の関係(かんけい = relation)



「おぼえる」 「わすれる」 「おもいだす」 の関係(かんけい = relation)です。


覚える(おぼえる)= to memorize
覚えている(おぼえている)= to remember
忘れる(わすれる)= to forget
忘れている(わすれている)=  to forget
思い出す(おもいだす)= to recall

「おぼえている」と「わすれている」は 状態 (じょうたい = state, condition)です。
「おぼえる」 「わすれる」 「おもいだす」は 動作 (どうさ = action)です。


August 6, 2009

ロッテリア ハンバーガー Lotteria Hamburger


Fast food restaurant “
Lotteria” started to sell from July 16th new hamburger which is return approval.
You can get a refund if you do not like it after eating.
It had been sold about 1.2 M for two weeks since the first day.
Returning ratio is 0.2%, much less than expected 1~5%
I wonder it is good…?


Zetsumyo Hamburger


- words & phrases -
返品(へんぴん): return
可能(かのう)な: available, possible, acceptable
販売(はんばい)する : to sell
~を始(はじ)める: start to ~
食(た)べてみて: ~てみる → ~てみて(connective form)
気(き)に入(い)る: like it and then satisfied with it
発売(はつばい)する: start to sell
120万(まん): 1,200,000
~率(りつ): ratio
予定(よてい)していた: expected, planned
ずっと少(すく)ない: much less


August 3, 2009

世界コスプレサミット World Cosplay Summit 2009



Championship or World Cosplay Summit 2009 was held on Aug. 2nd, in Nagoya.
Japan team in “Sengoku BASARA” cosplay won the first victory.
World Cosplay Summit starts 2003, winners were Italy (2005), Brazil (2006, 2008) and France (2007).
Participants were 30 people from 15 countries for this year.

World Cosplay Summit 2009



- words & phrases -
世界(せかい): world, globe, international
日本(にほん)代表(だいひょう): representation from Japan
名古屋(なごや): 愛知県(あいちけん)名古屋市(なごやし)
戦国(せんごく)BASARA: ゲーム game
初優勝(はつゆうしょう): first victory
今回(こんかい): this time 参加(さんか): participate


Japan team

August 2, 2009

job hunting and Japanese level



- words & phrases -
就職(しゅうしょく)する: to get a job, job hunting
必(かなら)ず: surely
特(とく)に: especially
景気(けいき)が悪(わる)い: recession
応募(おうぼ)する: apply
最初(さいしょに)に: at first
書類(しょるい)選考(せんこう): selected with application materials
カギ: key
状況(じょうきょう): situation
特(とく)に: especially
欧米(おうべい)の方(かた): people from western countries
場合(ばあい): case
あたりまえ: nothing special, normal

When a non-Japanese person is seeking a job in Japan, Japanese level is required.
There are lots of people apply to one position these days due to the recent recession.
Companies are screened by application materials so the key is Japanese level.
For example, there are about 2000 applicants for an “IT Engineer with JLPT 2kyu”.
(It happened in last autumn, the current situations would not be the same.)
Our image having 2kyu is “great” for especially people from western countries but it became pretty “normal”.
Maybe, someday, students would be able to speak better Japanese than native Japanese speakers…!