December 21, 2010

冬至(とうじ) Toji = Winter solstice



Tomorrow, 22nd (Wed) is "Toji" = Winter solstice.
Toji is the day of the shortest day-time and longest night-time.
In Japan, it is said that if you eat pumpkin and take a Yuzu bath on the day, you won’t catch cold in the next year.

カピバラ Capybara is taking a Yuzu bath. (this zoo is in Izu)
msn news

   1年(ねん)の間(あいだ): throughout a year
   昼(ひる): day time
   最(もっと)も: the most/least
   短(みじか)く: adverbial usage/form of 短い
   そして: and then
   夜(よる): night time
   長(なが)く: adverbial usage/form of 長い
   夜が最も長くなる日: the day that is the longest night
   ゆず: Yuzu, a kind of citrus fruit that has strong aroma
        and very bitter
   ゆず湯(ゆ): put some Yuzu into bathtub that add good aroma
            and vitamins
   かぼちゃ: pumpkin
   食(た)べると~: if you eat it then ~
   かぜをひかない: do not catch cold
   ~といわれています: it is said that ~

ゆず: Yuzu


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