Tourists from in and outside of the country often go and visit Tokyo Tower which is very famous.
It has been bent due to the big earthquake on March 11th.
And now you see the video which is about the engineers are on the top of it and fixing it.
東京(とうきょう)タワー: Tokyo Tower
有名(ゆうめい): famous
国内(こくない): within the country
海外(かいがい): overseas
観光客(かんこうきゃく): tourists
~の方(かた): people of ~ (politer than ~の人)
行(い)くところ: the place to go
大地震(だいじしん): big earthquake
曲(ま)がる: bend
~てしまいました: has been done (expresses regret or dissatisfaction with a result)
そして: and then
登(のぼ)る: to climb
直(なお)す: to fix
~ているところ: doing something and now at the middle of the action
本当(ほんとう)に: really
大変(たいへん)な: hard, difficult
仕事(しごと): job, work
~と思(おも)います: I think that ~
感謝(かんしゃ): gratitude
The past tense of the verb 'to bend' is 'bent' (not bended).. よろしくおねがいします。 :)
英語は難しいですね~ ^^
Tokyo Tower is a famous landmark in Tokyo and sorry to hear it has been damaged.
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