March 6, 2011

新幹線 Shinkansen Bullet Train


When you are traveling in Japan, trains are very convenient.
I will write about the New Shinkansen bullet train today.
The new Tohoku-Shinkansen E series “Hayabusa” starts to run on 5th, March.
Its advertising blurb is “21st century dream super-fast train”,
Starting with the highest speed 300km/hour and then it will run with 320km/hour from 2013 spring which is the fastest in Japan.
The faster trains become, the noises become louder.
How to turn the noise down is the key to speed-up which is a combat against noise.
Its chassis are thoroughly covered with absorption of sound panels and the first car has the longest 15m nose.
Everything is for to turn the wind sound down.

Sankei Biz
(Rewrite - to make it easier)

   when you are traveling in Japan
   電車(でんしゃ): trains
   便利(べんり): convenient
   今日(きょう): today
   新(あたら)しい: new
   新幹線(しんかんせん): Shinkansen bullet train
   話題(わだい): topic

   東北(とうほく): Tohoku region
   新型(しんがた)車両(しゃりょう)E5系(けい): new car E series
   運行(うんこう)を始(はじ)める: start to run
   はやぶさ: originally bird name, Falcone
   広告(こうこく) キャッチコピー: advertising blurb
   21世紀(せいき): 21st century
   夢(ゆめ)の超特急(ちょうとっきゅう): dream super-fast train
   最初は: first, for the time being
   最高(さいこう)速度(そくど): highest speed
   2013年(ねん)春(はる): spring in 2013
   国内(こくない)最速(さいそく): the fastest in the country
   ~となる: will become ~
   運転(うんてん)する: to operate (a train)
   速(はや)い: fast
   ~くなるほど~: the more, the more
   音(おと): noise, sound
   大(おお)きくなる: become big(loud)
   どうやって: how
   騒音(そうおん): noise
   ~を小(ちい)さくする: turn ~ down, (lit meaning : make it small)
   高速(こうそく): high speed
   ~化(か): -ize
   との戦(たたか)い: fight against 
   台車(だいしゃ)部分(ぶぶん): chassis
   吸音(きゅうおん): absorption of sound
   完全(かんぜん)に: fully, totally, thoroughly
   覆(おお)う: cover
   先頭(せんとう)車両(しゃりょう): the first car
   国内(こくない): in the country
   一番(いちばん)長(なが)い: the longest
   など: and so on
   ~ため: in order to

1 comment:

Japan Australia said...

Wow that is fast with speeds of 300-320 km/hour. I like the new long nose!!