August 16, 2010

good practices


I wrote in my former entry “you need to pull your level up to the point “to be able to make sentences” not only “to be able to understand when you listen/read”.
What would it be good practices for it?
First of all, when you learn a new grammar, make sentences expressing about yourself.
You would forget soon if you only read the sentences on the book and repeat your teacher.
And compositions are good practices too.
Use the grammars and the situations you have studied in the class and write a composition about your own version.
Gambatte kudasai!


- words & phrase -

前(まえ)の: former
新(あたら)しいJLPT: New JLPT
聞(き)いて・読(よ)んでわかる: understand when you listen/read
自分(じぶん)で文(ぶん)が作(つく)れる: can make sentences by oneself
必要(ひつよう)だと思(おも)います: I think it needs to
練習(れんしゅう): practice
まず: first of all
新(あたら)しい文法(ぶんぽう): new grammars
自分のこと: about oneself
その文を使(つか)って言(い)ってみましょう: say it using the sentences
教科書(きょうかしょ): textbooks
書(か)いてある: written
先生(せんせい)の発音(はつおん): teacher’s pronunciation
だけ: only
すぐに忘(わす)れてしまいます: will forget soon (with disappointment feeling)
作文(さくぶん): composition
授業(じゅぎょう): lesson, class
状況(じょうきょう): situation
設定(せってい)する: to set up


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