August 28, 2010

JLPT Dec 2010 application has been started on Aug 27th  JLPT12月の申し込みが8月27日から始まりました。



JLPT New Logo

Application period of JLPT (Japanese Language Proficiency Test) for this December 5th (Sun) has been started from yesterday, August 27th (Fri).
Its due date is October 1st (Fri), exact in 5 weeks.
Don’t forget to apply it!
The number of inquires of JLPT preparation courses are increasing.
Three more months!


- words & phrases -

今年(ことし): this year
12月(がつ)5日(いつか): December 5th
試験(しけん): exam
申(もう)し込(こ)み: apply, application
昨日(きのう): yesterday
始(はじ)まりました: started
締(し)め切(き)り: due date
5週間(しゅうかん)後(ご): in 5 weeks, 5 weeks later
忘(わす)れないように: don’t forget
私(わたし)の学校(がっこう): my school (the Japanese school that I am working for in Tokyo)
試験対策(たいさく)コース: exam preparation course
問(と)い合(あ)わせ: inquiry
増(ふ)えてきました: increasing
あと3カ月(さんかげつ): three more months

August 23, 2010

BJT, Business Japanese Proficiency Test, is discontinued 2



I wrote about the termination of BJT, Business Japanese Proficiency Test, in my former entry.
This exam is very difficult, it used to be one who has JLPT N1 or N2 level have taken it.
There were about 500,000 people took JLPT last year, but there were only about 10,000 people who took BJT, the number of examinees were quite few.
But, for one who would like to work in Japan or Japanese companies in overseas it has been a target.
This sudden termination announcement led lots of problems.
cf. Mainichi Daily News

BJT, Business Japanese Proficiency Test, is discontinued
Business Japanese Proficiency Test

参照: 毎日jp

- words & phrase -

日本語(にほんご)能力(のうりょく)試験(しけん): Japanese Language Proficiency Test
終了(しゅうりょう): discontinue, terminate, stop
~について: about ~
前(まえ)の: fomer
書(か)きました: wrote
難(むずか)しいので: because it is difficult
受(う)ける: take tests
去年(きょねん): last year
約(やく)50万人(まんにん): about 500,000 people
受験(じゅけん)した: took the test
とても少(すく)なかった: quite few
でも: but, however,
または: or
海外(かいがい)の: overseas
企業(きぎょう): corporate
仕事(しごと)をしたい: want to work
~と考(かんが)えている人(ひと): one who is thinking about ~
~にとって: for
目標(もうひょう): target, aim
突然(とつぜん): suddenly
発表(はっぴょう)された: had been announced
中止(ちゅうし): to stop, to discontinue,
問題(もんだい)がでています: problems occur
参照(さんしょう): confer, reference


August 21, 2010

BJT, Business Japanese Proficiency Test, is discontinued



毎日jp 2010年8月18日

BJT, Business Japanese Proficiency Test, is discontinued from the next year, 2011.
November of this year is the last test.
(Mainichi Japan) August 18, 2010



We regret to announce the discontinuance of BJT, Business Japanese Proficiency Test, from the year of 2011, following the decision made by our board of directors after its discussion. We thank all the past applicants and the parties concerned for the kind support they made so far to this test.
Please note that the 22nd BJT scheduled on the November 21th this year will be held as planned.

2010 August 2nd
The Japan Kanji Aptitude Testing Foundation




- words & phrases -

幣(へい)協会(きょうかい): this/our organization,
幣 is used for to show humble, for example, 弊社(へいしゃ)=our company
理事会(りじかい): administrative board
議論(ぎろん): discussion, argument,
議論を重(かさ)ねる: have been making a certain argument
結果(けっか): conclusion, consequence, outcome,
2011年度(ねんど): 2011 fiscal year
Most of the companies in Japan fiscal year starts April to March.)
以降(いこう): after
日本語(にほんご)能力(のうりょく): Japanese language ability
中止(ちゅうし): stop, discontinue
~といたしました: polite form for ~としました,  has been decided
受験者(じゅけんしゃ): examination taker, examinees,
皆(みな)さま: to all
関係者(かんけいしゃ)の方々(かたがた): one who is involved
AはじめB: takes up some representative item (A) indicates everything in the same group is included (B)
受験者の皆さまはじめ関係者の方々 : test applicants and also people who is related to this test
突然(とつぜん)のお知(し)らせ: sudden notice/announce
深(ふか)く: deeply
お詫(わ)び申(もう)し上(あ)げます:  to express apology
なお: in addition
本年(ほんねん): this year
実施(じっし): be held
予定(よてい)通(どお)り: as previously scheduled 
財団(ざいだん)法人(ほうじん): foundation
日本(にほん)漢字(かんじ)能力(のうりょく)検定(けんてい)協会(きょうかい):The Japan Kanji Aptitude Testing Foundation

August 16, 2010

good practices


I wrote in my former entry “you need to pull your level up to the point “to be able to make sentences” not only “to be able to understand when you listen/read”.
What would it be good practices for it?
First of all, when you learn a new grammar, make sentences expressing about yourself.
You would forget soon if you only read the sentences on the book and repeat your teacher.
And compositions are good practices too.
Use the grammars and the situations you have studied in the class and write a composition about your own version.
Gambatte kudasai!


- words & phrase -

前(まえ)の: former
新(あたら)しいJLPT: New JLPT
聞(き)いて・読(よ)んでわかる: understand when you listen/read
自分(じぶん)で文(ぶん)が作(つく)れる: can make sentences by oneself
必要(ひつよう)だと思(おも)います: I think it needs to
練習(れんしゅう): practice
まず: first of all
新(あたら)しい文法(ぶんぽう): new grammars
自分のこと: about oneself
その文を使(つか)って言(い)ってみましょう: say it using the sentences
教科書(きょうかしょ): textbooks
書(か)いてある: written
先生(せんせい)の発音(はつおん): teacher’s pronunciation
だけ: only
すぐに忘(わす)れてしまいます: will forget soon (with disappointment feeling)
作文(さくぶん): composition
授業(じゅぎょう): lesson, class
状況(じょうきょう): situation
設定(せってい)する: to set up


August 13, 2010

thinking of New JLPT



I have been thinking of New JLPT.
You could pass with the level “you can understand when you listen/read” for former JLPT.
Actually there were people who passed 1kyu or 2kyu but their conversational levels were 3kyu.
I think you need to pull your level up to the point “to be able to make sentences” not only “to be able to understand when you listen/read”.
For example, new style question which is to put the words into correct order, you would probably understand when you read the full sentence afterwards because even if you do not understand all of the words or grammars, you can guess what it means from the whole sentence.
When you make (sort the words) a sentence, it is required to understand the words meanings, words connecting, or idiomatic expressions and so on.
When you are having conversation, I think listening is not that difficult comparing to speaking, it is the same thing.
For the new level N3, I think you need to master all of the grammars and vocabulary of old 3kyu (new N4) and become to make any sentences comfortably like your own language.
And more over, you also need to add new grammars, vocabulary and Kanji between the old 2kyu and 3kyu.
Old 3kyu (new N4) is said daily conversational level, you should be able to have conversations with native speakers about daily topics.
Conversation needs both to listen and to speak.
Gambatte kudasai!

例えば、並べ替えの問題で、できあがった文はわかると思います。 それは1つの文の中でわからない表現や文法があっても全体を聞いてGuessできるからです。


August 8, 2010

花火とスカイツリー Fireworks & Skytree


There are lots of Fireworks events throughout Japan in Summer.
On last weekend, July 31st (Sat), Sumida River Fireworks event was held around the Skytree which is now being built.
There are about 50,000 people enjoyed about 20,000 Fireworks.
Here is the Fireworks schedule in July and August. :


- words & phrases -

夏(なつ): summer
花火(はなび)大会(たいかい): fireworks event
行(おこな)われる: be held
建設中(けんせつちゅう): be building, be being built
近(ちか)く: near
隅田川(すみだがわ): Sumida River
約(やく): about
発(はつ): counter, used for Fireworks (and others)
楽(たの)しみます: enjoy

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