June 15, 2010

Manga Newspaper  「漫画の新聞」


Japan is newspaper-crazy.
Its biggest daily, Yomiuri Shimbun, has 10 times the circulation of The New York Times.
For now, at least.
Just as in the US, young people in Japan aren’t reading newspapers as often as their parents.
But the Japanese have a solution: Manga No Shimbun (Manga Newspaper), an online outfit that covers the week’s events in comic book form.
These aren’t the funnies or political cartoons—they’re actual news articles about everything from foreign policy to pop culture to murder trials.
The site employs more than 100 manga artists to cover breaking stories, updating 10 or 15 times a day.
Graphic style varies—some pieces are in color, others black-and-white; some are realistic, some exaggeratedly kawaii (cute).
Manga News is also available via iPhone app and will come to Android and other mobile platforms later this year.
There’s even talk of international versions.
Good idea, but what happens if Astro Boy gets elected to parliament?


You can read Manga newspapers!
The numbers of young people who do not read newspapers are continuously growing.
It is a good news for those people!
There is a new site which offers you an online Manga news.
They will also open an English, Korean and other languages versions.


- words & phrases -
新聞(しんぶん): newspaper
漫画(まんが): cartoon, comic
読(よ)める: can read
最近(さいきん): these days, recently
若(わか)い人(ひと): young people
増(ふ)えてきました: increasing
そこで: therefore
今後(こんご): in the future
英語(えいご)版(ばん): English version
韓国語(かんこくご): Korean
など: and so on
作(つく)る: to make
~そうです: I heard/read that ~

News release, Manga no Shimbun


We created a world first news site in Manga called “Manga no shimbun (Comic news)” in order to change the ways to involve news to people all over the world and to offer a new ways to take information.

- words & phrases -
この度(たび): for this time
皆様(みなさま): all
情報(じょうほう): information
摂取(せっしゅ)する: to take
方法(ほうほう): methods, means, manners, ways,
提供(ていきょう)する: to offer
世界(せかい)の人々(ひとびと): people around the world
かかわり合(あ)い方(かた): the ways to relate
変(か)える: to change
目的(もくてき): purpose
世界初(せかいはつ)の: the world’s first
創刊(そうかん): be first published

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