December 31, 2009
Visit Japan 2010 campaign
Today is the last day of this year.
2010 starts from tomorrow.
To promote “Visit Japan 2010”, the authority is putting on a “Live Japan!” campaign till the end of January.
You may have a chance to win airplane tickets to Japan with sending a greeting card from the site.
Why don’t you try it?
Best wishes for another wonderful year!
Daily Yomiuri
Live Japan! Campaign
"Visit Japan 2010"のキャンペーンとして、"Live Japan!" が1月末まで行われています。
- words & phrases -
~として : as ~
1月末(がつまつ)まで : by the end of January
日本への航空券(こうくうけん) : airplane tickets to Japan
是非(ぜひ) : by all means
応募(おうぼ)する : to apply
~てみてください : please try
当(あ)たる : to hit, to win
~ように : is used when one wish something
December 30, 2009
スーザン・ボイル Susan Boyle
Susan Boyle, Scottish diva, arrived at Narita yesterday.
It is her first visit to Japan.
She will sing as a guest singer in a NHK TV program called “Kohaku Utagassen” which is aired on the New Year’s Eve every year.
I am not found of it personally but I am very much looking forward to her singing.
There is only one day left in this year, 2009.
How was the year for you?
AFP News
彼女は明日31日のテレビ番組、毎年おおみそかに放映されるNHK 紅白歌合戦にゲスト出演して、あのすばらしい歌声を披露してくれます。
- words & phrases -
歌姫(うたひめ): ディーヴァ(diva)
成田(なりた): Narita International Airport
到着(とうちゃく)した: arrived at
初来日(はつらいにち): first visit to Japan
テレビ番組(ばんぐみ): TV program
おおみそか: new year’s eve
放映(ほうえい)される: will be airing
NHK: Nippon Hoso Kyokai = The Japanese public broadcasting corporation
紅白(こうはく)歌合戦(うたがっせん): an annual music show on New Year’s Eve produced by NHK
ゲスト出演(しゅつえん): guest staring
歌声(うたごえ): voice, singing
披露(ひろう)する: thrown down, exhibit
個人的(こじんてき)に: personally
あまり好(す)きではない: あまり+V/Adj negative = not really
楽(たの)しみにしている: I have been looking forward to
December 29, 2009
I went to see and visit my friend in Australia for a week.
We went to many places, walked on the beach, spent Christmas at their houses…
I enjoy it so much.
Australia is really a big country!
If you drive in Japan with an Australian sense of driving, you would fall into the ocean! (laugh)
They drive for 1000km as it is normal.
I thought gasoline is relatively high for motorized society.
(around A$110/1 litter)
When I got into crowded trains yesterday and felt “I am back to Japan”.
I am Japanese, aren't I?
- words & phrases -
1週間(しゅうかん): one week
友達(ともだち)の所(ところ): my friend’s place
遊(あそ)びに行(い)ってきた: have come and seen him/her
あちこち: here and there
散歩(さんぽ)する: stroll, walk around,
クリスマスを過(す)ごす: spent Christmas
~たり~たり: express some things what you do/did as example, implies others actions
運転(うんてん)感覚(かんかく): sense of drive
やっぱり: as I thought, as I expected
AたらB: if you do A then B happens
~てしまう: express one’s regret or dissatisfaction
普通(ふつう)に: not to think it is difficult or special
車社会(くるましゃかい): motorized society
Aの割(わり)にB: it is relatively B considering A
混(こ)んだ 電車(でんしゃ): crowded train
December 18, 2009
Santa Claus comes to KFC
Colonel Sanders doll at Kentucky Fried Chicken becomes Santa Claus around Christmas season in Japan.
KFC came from the US but I heard that there is no Colonel Sanders dolls there.
American students are very surprised when they see it.
KFC fried chicken is very popular for Christmas dinner in Japan instead of turkey.
KFC is from the US and turkey is from Europe.
They are both well blended in Japan.
Strange country…
- words & phrases -
らしい: it suggests the speaker’s uncertainty
結構(けっこう): pretty
びっくりしている: surprise
両方(りょうほう): both
不思議(ふしぎ)な: strange, wonder,
December 14, 2009
chocolate cell phone
Do you like sweets?
Then, how about this cell phone for you?
NTT Docomo released a new design cell phone (SH04B) which is a collaboration model with an accessory brand “Q-pot.” on December 9th.
Hmmm….. I want to get one too.
NTTドコモはアクセサリーブランド"Q-pot." とのコラボで新しいデザインの携帯電話(SH04B)を12月9日に発売した。
う~ん。。。 私もひとつ欲しいなぁ。。。
- words & phrases -
甘(あま)いもの: something sweets
携帯電話(けいたいでんわ): cell phone
コラボ: collaboration
発売(はつばい)した: released
It comes in a cute box!
December 13, 2009
convince vs 説得(せっとく)する
I will write about a grammar today.
Some days ago, my student and I found out “説得(せっとく)する” does not mean "convince/persuade” which is a translation in a Japanese-English dictionary.
For example, if someone said he would not go to a party and 「彼を説得する」 is “try hard to tell him to go to the party giving him reasons or consequences” but it does not say to make him change his thoughts to go, i.e. we still do not know if he would go or not.
In my lesson, my advanced level student was not sure making an example sentence using 「説得する」 and I didn’t understand why because in the textbook its English meaning was given.
But we talked about the both 「説得する」 and “convince” then finally we came across there is a big difference between them as above.
It sure is confusing and difficult.
There is one more interesting topic related to the word “convince”.
In English they say “He is convincing”.
“Convincing” is an adjective which expresses about him how he is like, similar to “he is tall” or “he is kind”, for example.
On the contrary there is no adjective in Japanese expresses “convincing”.
「説得力のあるNoun」is used instead.
「彼は説得力のある人だ」is used for “He is convincing” in Japanese which literal meaning is “He has a power to convince.”
December 12, 2009
Asahi Super Dry in the UK
JLPT has finished, finally you can drink good beer.
I heard from our students that popular beers among non-Japanese are Yebisu and Asahi Super Dry.
Super Dry contains 5% alcohol which is higher than other old beer, tastes refreshing.
Its share keeps growing since it started to sell in 1987 and exceeded 50%.
Its taste fit for adults becomes popular as well in the UK, the sales volumes increased 30 times compare to the first year that was begun to sell.
Also pubs that sell Super Dry became 500, which is 50 times to 2004.
MSN News
- words & phrases -
おいしく: おいしい(adjective) → おいしく(adverb)
popular Japanese people among non-Japanese ( noun modification)
今(いま)まで日本にあったビールと比(くら)べて: to compare to the beer that has been before
アルコールが5%と高(たか)く: 高い(adjective) → 高く(adjective connective)
さっぱり: refreshing flavors that do not linger unpleasantly
販売(はんばい)が始(はじ)まってから: since it started to go on sale
伸(の)び続(つづ)ける: continuing to grow
50%を超(こ)えた: exceeded 50%
~を扱(あつか)う: deal in ~
大人(おとな)の味(あじ): tastes for adults
人気(にんき)になる: becomes popular
現地(げんち): the place (in the UK in this context)
発売(はつばい): release
当時(とうじ): at that point, at that time
販売量(はんばいりょう): volume of sales
December 7, 2009
2009 JLPT 1kyu (Leve 1) Listening
We are all surprised!Japanese TV Anime had on JLPT Level 1 yesterday. Neon Genesis Evangelion.It sure was very difficult !
びっくりしました。昨日のJLPT 1級の問題に日本のテレビアニメが聴解問題に出ました。新世紀エヴァンゲリオンです。 こちらが音声ファイルです。
男A : 隊長!第二次防衛線が突破されました!
このままではあと30分ももちません!男B : 今出せるモビルファイターは?男A : ゼロ号機だけです。男B : やむをえん。4号機を出すぞ!男A : 4号機はまだテストが完了していません!
それに、操縦できるパイロットが現在誰も男B : ゼロ号機ではやつの侵入を防ぎきれん。ここは私が行く。男A : 隊長自ら!?でもその怪我では、4号機の加速に耐えられません!女A : 私が行きます!男B : アスカ!?女A : 私なら、4号機を操れます!お願いです、行かせてください!男B : だが、お前はまだ訓練中の身だ。今は子供の出る幕じゃないぞ!女A : そんなこと言ってる場合じゃない!男B : おい!アスカ!待て!!アナウンス : 4号機、発射準備完了しました。男B : アスカ頼んだぞ。
番組の中では、誰がどうすることにしましたか?1. 隊長がゼロ号機でいきます2. 隊長が4号機でいきます3. 女の人がゼロ号機でいきます4. 女の人が4号機でいきます
December 6, 2009
It’s now 10am here in Tokyo.
JLPT has started.
I got a little nervous too.
I wonder how they are doing?
I had a 4 kyu level student first time for this JLPT.
I have been teaching 2 kyu or 1 kyu level, I thought 4 kyu was easy.
But actually it was very difficult.
There are many basic particles problems and most of the vocabularies are difficult as well which are not to be able to master within a couple of month test preparation course.
There are many students who are at advanced level make 4 kyu level particle mistakes.
Language study is little by little, step by step.
- words & phrases -
ドキドキ: be nervous
今回(こんかい): this time
初(はじ)めて: first time
実(じつ)は: as a matter of face, actually
基本的(きほんてき)な: basically
助詞(じょし): pariticles
問題(もんだい): problems, questions
語彙(ごい): vocabulary
覚(おぼ)えられないような問題: problems that cannot memorize
少(すこ)しずつ: little by little
ステップバイステップ: step by step
December 4, 2009
JLPT がんばって!
It’s been a long time since the last entry.
I have been busy before JLPT (I had some extra lessons) and also the end/first week of a month, I didn’t have time to write this Blog.
There are only two days before JLPT!
Take extra care of yourself and try your best!
Gambatte kudasai!
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