November 23, 2009
東京スカイツリー Tokyo Sky Tree
Tokyo Tower is one of the most famous tourist spots in Tokyo.
And actually it distribute TV and radio waves.
There are problems that Tokyo Tower is not high enough for terrestrial digital broadcasting in 2011.
Therefore, there is a new tower called “Tokyo Sky Tree” will be build in 2012 in Sumida ward.
Tokyo Tower is 333m, Tokyo Sky Tree is going to be 634m which is the highest tower in the world and it has an observatory on the 450m high.
Tokyo Walker
- words & phrases -
有名(ゆうめい)な: famous
観光(かんこう)スポット: tourist spot
実(じつ)は: as a matter of fact, actually,
電波(でんぱ): air, radio wave
地上(ちじょう)デジタル: terrestrial digital broadcasting
足(た)りない: not enough
問題(もんだい)がある: there are problems
墨田区(すみだく): Sumida-ku (Sumida ward)
展望台(てんぼうだい): observatory
Tokyo MX News Inside of Tokyo Sky Tree
November 22, 2009
サンタクロースがやってきた! Santa Claus came to Japan!
Today, Nov. 22nd, a month before of Christmas, Santa Claus arrived at the Narita Airport, flew from his home country Finland.
He showed up at the stairs of the airplane as he was waving his arm in familiar red and white costume with long beard.
He said that I came here to bring presents for Japanese children.
The airport was packed in the a little bit early Christmas atmosphere.
MSN News
- words & phrases -
一足(ひとあし)早(はや)く: a little bit early
母国(ぼこく): home country
飛行機(ひこうき)に乗(の)って: in a plane
成田空港(なりたくうこう): Narita Airport
到着(とうちゃく)した: arrived
手(て)を振(ふ)る: wave
~ながら: while
おなじみの: familiar
衣装(いしょう): costume
あごひげ: beard
姿(すがた): appearance,
クリスマスムードに包(つつ)まれた: packed in the Christmas atmosphere
Shinjuku Takashimaya Times Square
November 20, 2009
JLPT2級 テスト中の時間について Part2 allocation of time for JLPT 2kyu
問題Ⅰ 長文読解1題 5点x 8 40点 15分 問題Ⅱ 中文読解3題 5点x12 60点 22分 (1つ7分)問題Ⅲ 短文読解5題 5点x 5 25点 10分 (1つ2分)-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
125点 47分
問題Ⅳ 文法 2点x20 40点 13分問題Ⅴ 文法 2点x10 20点 6分問題Ⅵ 文法 2点x 5 10点 3分--------------------------------------------------------------------------
70点 22分
テストの順番は、文法 → 読解Ⅲ → 読解Ⅱ → 読解Ⅰ がいいでしょう。文法はひとつ40秒ぐらいで。
November 16, 2009
JLPT2級 テスト中の時間について allocation of time for JLPT 2kyu
「時間がたくさんあれば全部できる!」 そうなんです!
問題Ⅰ 漢字 20問 20点 20秒x20問=6分40秒問題Ⅱ 漢字 20問 20点 20秒x20問=6分40秒→漢字は1つ20秒で。-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------漢字は 40点 約13分問題Ⅲ 語彙 10問 20点 40秒x10問=6分40秒
問題Ⅳ 語彙 5問 10点 40秒x 5問=3分20秒問題Ⅴ 語彙 5問 10点 90秒x 5問=7分30秒(難しい問題)問題Ⅵ 語彙 5問 10点 40秒x 5問=3分20秒
→語彙はひとつ40秒で。 問題Ⅴはひとつ90秒で。-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------語彙は 50点 約22分これを見ると、漢字は13分で40点とれますからがんばりましょう!
November 15, 2009
握手とおじぎ Handshake and Bow
President Obama had a private luncheon with The Emperor and The Empress at the Palace yesterday.
The photo is when the President arrived at the Palace and greeted to them.
He was bowing and shaking hands at the same time and looked a little bit awkward.
He mixed up western culture(handshake) with eastern Asia culture (bow).
Handshake has been generalized in Japan too for greetings with someone from western countries.
But still Japanese do not handshake and bow at the same time.
* What I wrote was about just only handshake and bowing, there was nothing about President Obama or The Emperor.
FNN News
- words & phrases -
昨日(きのう): yesterday
オバマ大統領(だいとうりょう): President Obama
天皇(てんのう)・皇后(こうごう)両陛下(りょうへいか): The Emperor and The Empress
皇居(こうきょ): The Palace
昼食(ちゅうしょく): luncheon
写真(しゃしん): photo
着(つ)いた: arrived
あいさつ: greeting
握手(あくしゅ): handshake
おじぎ: bow
少(すこ)し変(へん): a little bit awkward
欧米(おうべい): western countries
文化(ぶんか): culture
欧米系(おうべいけい): western style
一般化(いっぱんか)する: generalized
~てきた: something has been changed
一緒(いっしょ)に: together
November 14, 2009
President Obama arrived in Japan
President Obama arrived in Japan yesterday.
It is the first time for him to visit Japan.
After the speech about policies related to Asia in the morning, he have a luncheon party with the Emperor and the Empress and then will go to Singapore.
President Obama said about his travel story when he was little, “I was really into Match (Green tea) ice cream more than fabulous Buddha statues when my mother took me to Kamakura.”
Mainichi Shimbun news
- words & phrases -
大統領(だいとうりょう): the President of the United States
初(はつ)来日(らいにち): first visit to Japan
アジア政策(せいさく): policies related to Asia
演説(えんぜつ): speech
天皇(てんのう) 皇后(こうごう) 両陛下(りょうへいか): The Emperor and The Empress
昼食会(ちゅうしょくかい): luncheon party
少年(しょうねん)時代(じだい): boyhood
母親(ははおや): mother
連(つ)れられて: passive, be taken by
鎌倉(かまくら): Kamakura
訪(おとず)れる: to visit
仏像(ぶつぞう): Buddha statue
抹茶(まっちゃ)アイスクリーム: Green tea ice-cream
気(き)を取(と)られる: take all one’s concentration
November 11, 2009
成田国際空港 Narita International Airport
Tokyo International Airport is actually located in not Tokyo, it is in Chiba prefecture.
It takes about an hour to get to Tokyo station also night flights are prohibited and other reasons, most of the people suffer inconvenience.
One who lives in greater Tokyo, they think it takes two hours to get to Narita.
Haneda airport was an international airport before Narita was built and now Haneda is an domestic airport.
Now Seiji Maehara, the minister of the minister of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism announced his intention to transform Haneda Airpot into an international hub airport.
What will this going to be?
Narita Airport is located about 80km away from mid Tokyo.
- words & phrases -
東京国際空港(とうきょうこくさいくうこう): Narita Tokyo International Airport
実(じつ)は: actually
千葉県(ちばけん) Chiba prefecture
成田(なりた)エクスプレス: Narita Express (NEX)
1時間(じかん)かかる: it takes an hour
ほとんどの人(ひと): most of the people
不便(ふべん)を感(かん)じて: feels it is inconvenient
東京近郊(きんこう): suburb of Tokyo
東京近郊に住んでいる人: (noun modification) people who lives in the suburb of Tokyo
だいたい: about
自宅(じたく)から成田まで: from home to Narita
~と考(かんが)えている: be thinking that ~
~前(まえ): before ~
東京にある羽田空港(はねだくうこう): Haneda airport that is in Tokyo
国際空港(こくさいくうこう): an international airport
国内線(こくないせん): domestic flights
前原(まえはら)国交相(こっこうそう): short form of 国土交通省大臣
Maehara, the minister of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism
国際ハブ空港: an International hub airport
~化(か): -ize
方針(ほうしん): policy
今後(こんご): in the future
November 9, 2009
JLPT 2級文法のまとめ 6
今日は2級文法の12~13です。あと4週間ですね! がんばりましょう!
12. 伝聞 (hearsay)
①~とか : I heard that… 彼は来年結婚するとか。
13. 文語的 (literaryism expressions)
①~のみならず : not only but
②~まい : I will never
~まい : probably won’t
~まいか : probably not the case that
November 8, 2009
Rugby Bledisloe Cup New Zealand vs Australia
- words & phrases –
快勝(かいしょう): easy win the game
~杯(はい): cup
代表(だいひょう): representatives
国立競技場(こくりつきょうぎじょ) : the National Stadium
見(み)に行(い)く: masu-form stem + 行く = to go to see
~し: to connect reasons
初(はじ)めて見(み)る試合(しあい): (noun modification) the game that I watch the first time
集(あつ)まる: intransitive, to gather cf. 集める transitive, to collect
海外旅行(かいがいりょこう): oversea trips
~気分(きぶん): I have a feeling of ~
New Zealand easy victory = Rugby Bledisloe Cup
Rugby Bledisloe Cup, a routine match New Zealand vs Australia was held on October 31st, at the National Stadium in Tokyo.
New Zealand won beat Australia, scored 32-19.
Actually I went to see the game by myself too.
I do not know much about its rules and it was my first game to see, but I really enjoyed it.
There are many Aussies and Kiwis there, I felt like I had an oversea trip.
November 3, 2009
ミスインターナショナルクィーン2009 Miss International Queen 2009
I am sorry I neglected writing my Blog for a long while.
Today I will write someone beautiful.
Ai Haruna, MSN news
On October 31st, "Miss International Queen 2009" which is a "New Half" beauty pageants held in Pattaya, in south-east of Thailand.
"Ai Haruna" who is a Japanese so called talent won the first prize.
She(?) spent about 10 million yen on her plastic surgery for her whole body.
And still she needs about half million yen for her maintenance each year.
- words & phrases -
長(なが)い間(あいだ): for a long time
さぼる: goof off
南東(なんとう)部(ぶ): south-east
ニューハーフ: "New half" (beautiful men and transsexuals dressed in women's clothes)
美人(びじん): beautiful women
美人コンテスト: beauty pageants
行(おこ)われる: be held
タレント: talent, entertainer,
優勝(ゆうしょう)する: win first prize
約(やく): about, around
1000万円(まんえん)かける: spend 10 million yen for
全身(ぜんしん): whole body
整形(せいけい)手術(しゅじゅつ): plastic surgery
毎年(まいとし): every year
メンテナンス: maintenance
費用(ひよう): expense
I am sorry I neglected writing my Blog for a long while.
Today I will write someone beautiful.
Ai Haruna, MSN news
On October 31st, "Miss International Queen 2009" which is a "New Half" beauty pageants held in Pattaya, in south-east of Thailand.
"Ai Haruna" who is a Japanese so called talent won the first prize.
She(?) spent about 10 million yen on her plastic surgery for her whole body.
And still she needs about half million yen for her maintenance each year.
- words & phrases -
長(なが)い間(あいだ): for a long time
さぼる: goof off
南東(なんとう)部(ぶ): south-east
ニューハーフ: "New half" (beautiful men and transsexuals dressed in women's clothes)
美人(びじん): beautiful women
美人コンテスト: beauty pageants
行(おこ)われる: be held
タレント: talent, entertainer,
優勝(ゆうしょう)する: win first prize
約(やく): about, around
1000万円(まんえん)かける: spend 10 million yen for
全身(ぜんしん): whole body
整形(せいけい)手術(しゅじゅつ): plastic surgery
毎年(まいとし): every year
メンテナンス: maintenance
費用(ひよう): expense
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