September 27, 2010

ニンテンドー3DS 11月11日に発売か Will “Nintendo 3DS” be released on Nov 11th?



We will read and Internet news of “Nintendo 3DS”today.

According to “Nintendo Everything” which is an Euro-American information site, Nitendo will release a new portable type game machine “Nitendoe 3DS” on November 11th, 2010.
This information was on a German print media called “TECH-FREAK”.
They do not have an exact price information but the gamers predict 200-250 Euro if you look at their message board.
It seems like Nintendo will announce the exact release date and other information in the Nintendo Conference on September 29th,
But almost all people think they will release it in 2010.
Will it be released on November 11th?
We are really looking forward to it.
“TECH-FREAK” says it will be launched on the same day in Japan and north America, for Europe it will be in 2011 spring.
The game software which will be also on sale are “Mario Kart 3D” and “Professor Layton” series and “Zelda” series.

Nintendo WebSite

新事実! 『ニンテンドー3DS』2010年11月11日(木曜日)に発売か

欧米のゲーム情報サイト『Nintendo Everything』は、任天堂の最新型携帯ゲーム機『ニンテンドー3DS』が2010年11月11日(木曜日)に発売されると報じている。
 欧米(おうべい): Europe and America
 情報(じょうほう): information
 任天堂(にんてんどう): Nintendo
 最新型(さいしんがた): the latest model
 携帯(けいたい): portable, mobile
 ゲーム機(き): game machine
 木曜日(もくようび): Thursday
 発売(はつばい)される: be released
 ~と報(ほう)じている: they say ~, it is said ~
 紙(かみ)媒体(ばいたい): paper/print media
 誌面(しめん): in a magazine
 掲載(けいさい)されていた: was contained, was written, placed in
 ~による: according to ~
 価格(かかく): price
 はっきりとしていない: not clear
 掲示板(けいじばん): message board
 販売(はんばい)される: will be sold
 予想(よそう)する: predict, expect,
 公式(こうしき): official
 ゲーマー達(たち): gamers, 達express plurals
はたして、本当に2010年11月11日(木曜日)に発売されるのか? 発表が今から楽しみである。
 はたして~か?: will it be happen as we expect?
 発表(はっぴょう): announcement
 楽(たの)しみである: looking forward to it
 ちなみに: incidentally, for your information, just to tell you
 北米(ほくべい): north America
 同時(どうじ): at the same time
 また: and, more over
 本体(ほんたい): machine itself
 教授(きょうじゅ): professor
 とのこと: it is said that  

September 23, 2010

Free Doughnut / 無料ドーナツ @ミスド Mr.Donut



We will read a sweet news today!

Mr. Donut offers 2.4M free giveaway doughnuts to celebrate their 40th anniversary for 6 days.
Mr. Donut, run by DUSKIN, announced on 21st September to offer free 2.4M reproduced its original first doughnuts to celebrate its 40th anniversary at all of the 1330 stores for 6 days from September 28th to 30th and November 1st to 3rd.
First 3 days in September, “Honey Dough” which is sold at the company started used eggs and milk, the second 3 days in November is “Doughnut Kinako(soybean powder)” which was sold last year, year Heisei 21, 2009.
Each store starts at 2pm to give for the first 300 people.


ミスド、全店でドーナツを無料提供 創業40周年記念 6日間で240万個
2010.9.21 17:49

 ダスキンが展開するミスタードーナツは21日、今年で創業40周年を迎えたのを記念し、全国の約1330店で6日間、復刻した新商品240万個を無料で提供すると発表した。 実施は9月28~30日と11月1~3日。9月の3日間は卵とミルクを使った創業当時販売の「ハニードゥ」、11月の3日間は米粉を使った平成21年発売の「国産米粉のドーナツ きなこ」を提供する。

- words & phrases -

ミスド: ミスタードーナツ 
全店(ぜんてん): all stores, storewide
無料(むりょう): fee, free of charge
提供(ていきょう): offer
創業(そうぎょう): starting up business
40周年(しゅうねん)記念(きねん): 40th anniversary
6日間(むいかかん): 6 days
240万個(まんこ): 2,400,000
ダスキン: company’s name, DUSKIN
展開(てんかい)する: run (in this context), DUSKIN runs Mr. Doughnut
今年(ことし): this year
創業40周年を迎(むか)える: marks its 40th anniversary
記念する: to celebrate
全国(ぜんこく): all parts of the country, whole of country
約(やく)1330店(てん): about 1330 stores
復刻(ふっこく): reproduce, facsimile edition
新商品(しんしょうひん):new product
実施(じっし): put into effect, be carried, implement
卵(たまご): eggs
創業当時(とうじ): at the company started the business 
販売(はんばい): to sell
米粉(こめこ): rice flour, rice powder
平成(へいせい)21年(ねん): Year Heisei 21 = year 2009
発売(はつばい): release
国産(こくさん): domestic product
きなこ: soybean flour
各店(かくてん): each store
午後(ごご)2時(じ): 2pm
先着(せんちゃく)300人(にん): first 300 people
1個(こ)ずつ: 1 each
配布(はいふ)する: give out, give away


September 20, 2010

Welcome to Tokyo  ハニー東京


Please check the Tokyo site seeing information which is animated offered by Tokyo Metropolitan government.
Finally it became cooler, it must be a good idea too for “concrete jungle Tokyo” sightseeing.

Welcome to Tokyo

東京都の東京の観光案内をするWebSite がアニメになっています。

- words & phrases -

東京都(とうきょうと): Tokyo Metropolitan government
観光(かんこう)案内(あんない): sightseeing information
最近(さいきん): these days, recently
やっと: finally
涼(すず)しくなってきた: became cooler




September 12, 2010




Sorry I have been too busy to write this Blog.
My N3 class also has started.
The textbook we use now is “Nihongo somatome N3 grammars”.
I think N3 study is very difficult.
Because not everybody passed the old JLPT 3kyu(Level 3) with 100% score.
Old 3kyu could pass with 60%.
For example, if one passed with 65%, he should/needs to review the rest of 35% parts first then starts N3 study.
Old 3kyu/N4 is very important because they are the basic grammars.

JLPT N3 textbooks
日本語総まとめN3 文法

1週間さぼってしまいましたね~ ごめんなさい。

- words & phrases -

1週間(しゅうかん): one week
さぼる: goof off, didn’t do what you were planning/supposed to do
      orijinal word is "sabotage", "sabo+ru"

てしまいました: ended up with speaker’s feelings of failure, regret
本当(ほんとう)に: really, very
忙(いそが)しかったです: was busy
始(はじ)まりました: started
今(いま)使(つか)っているテキスト: the textbook that I use now
日本語総(そう)まとめN3文法(ぶんぽう): Nihongo Somatome N3 grammars
難(むずか)しい: difficult
~と思(おも)います: I think that ~
なぜなら: because
古(ふる)いJLPT: old (before 2009) 3kyu (level 3)
100%で合格(ごうかく)している: pass it with 100% (score)
~わけではない: not always, negates the part of ~
旧(きゅう)3級(きゅう): old, former level 3 (3 kyu)
例(たと)えば: for example
復習(ふくしゅう): review
必要(ひつよう): necessary, need
始(はじ)める: to start
~たほうがいい: it is better to ~
基本(きほん)の文法: basic grammars
大切(たいせつ): important


September 2, 2010

JLPT N1 - N3 minimum passing/acceptable scores announced / N1~N3の合格基準点発表



JLPT from N1 to N3 minimum acceptable scores has been announced.(Seems like English site has not been ready yet.)

July result will be sent off on Sep. 3rd.


Web Site

Subjecting those who completed all test sections, pass or fail will be determined by the scores for both total as well as each scoring section and all examinees will receive their score reports of the Test.
The requirements for passing have changed so that examinees must now exceed the minimum acceptable score for all test sections.
Failure to exceed the minimum acceptable score (to be announced) in any scoring sections will result in a fail for the entire test, even if your total score is above the minimum acceptable score.
Web Site