July 29, 2009

ミスユニバース日本代表の衣装 the costume for Miss Universe Japan 2009


Currently the costume for Miss Universe Japan 2009 becomes a big issue.
Black Kimono and pink underwear and garter belt.
Not only Kimono or Obi belt distributers protest to the designer but also there are over 1000 complaining comments such as “Japan would be misunderstood” are left on the designer’s Blog.
What do you think about her outfit?

the costume for Miss Universe Japan 2009


- words & phrases -
日本代表(にほんだいひょう): representation from Japan
衣装(いしょう): costume
問題(もんだい)になっている: becomes a problem
黒(くろ)の着物(きもの): black kimono
下着(したぎ): underwear
帯(おび): obi belt for kimono
販売店(はんばいてん): delivery agent, distribution outlet
抗議(こうぎ): protest
AだけでなくB: not only A but also B
誤解(ごかい)する: misunderstand
件(けん): counter for matter or affair
残(のこ)されている: left

2006 Miss Universe Japan, won the second place
the costume was designed by the same designer

July 28, 2009

虹 にじ Niji ・・・ Rainbow



- words & phrases -
夕方(ゆうがた): evening
虹(にじ): rainbow
見(み)えた: could see
~そうです: I heard/read ~
写真(しゃしん): photo
友達(ともだち): friends
送(おく)る: to send
~てくれる: add a feeling of appreciation


I heard that we could see a rainbow yesterday evening.
My friend sent me the photo.
It’s so beautiful!


July 27, 2009

ユニークな日本語勉強方法 2



- words & phrases -
以前(いぜん): before
大切(たいせつ)なこと: important thing
深(ふか)く考(かんが)えない: do not think too much
そのまま: as it is
受(う)け入(い)れる: to accept, to receive, to take in
表現(ひょうげん): expressions
文法(ぶんぽう): grammars
頭(あたま)で~とわかる: to understand ~ (to think with your brain)
感(かん)じる: to feel (comparing to 頭で~とわかる)
~てみる: try to ~

I wrote about the unique study method before.
The important thing is that “do not think too much” and then “accept as it is”.
Sometimes there are some students say “We do not say it that way in English”.
Of course, English and Japanese are different, both expressions and grammars are different.
I am sure they understand “they are different” but feel “why”.
Try to think “Ok, they say it that way in Japanese” and “accept as it is”.


July 25, 2009

ユニークな日本語勉強方法 (Unique study method of Japanese)




- words & phrases -
学校(がっこう)に来(き)た生徒(せいと)さん: noun modification
a student who came to the school
日本語が上手(じょうず): (speak) very good Japanese
(verb plain)+そうです: I heard that
ユニーク: unique
1年生(ねんせい)と2年生: freshman and sophomore
質問(しつもん)してはいけない: they cannot ask questions
とにかく: at any rate,
聞(き)いて覚(おぼ)える: listen and memorize
~てから: after ~
なるほど: I see. (It is used when you really understand something.)
勉強方法(べんきょうほうほう): study method
母語(ぼご): mother tongue, native language
~のように: looks as if
自然(しぜん) : natural
しか + Verb Negative: only
やっぱり: after all
論理的(ろんりてき)に: logically
ストレスがない: without stress
違(ちが)う: different
大人(おとな): adults
学習方法(がくしゅうほうほう): study method

This is about a student who came to the school before.
Her Japanese was pretty good.
She studied Japanese at a college and herd her teacher’s teaching method was very unique.
The teacher does not teach grammars to freshman and sophomore and students are not allowed to ask any questions.
Learn Japanese by ear.
And when the students become senior, they study grammar and think “Now I got it.”
Her university’s study method is very similar to that children master native language.
That is the reason her Japanese sounds very natural.
But I think I cannot teach the same way to my students.
My students are usually comes to the school only once a week, English environment for their jobs.
Most likely, to study Japanese logically with English grammar explanations would be less stress.
Not like university students but the way for adults.


July 23, 2009

日食報告 eclipse report


It’s a pity it was overcast yesterday.
Unfortunately we were not able to see eclipse much.
But it seems like some could see between the clouds.
I couldn’t see it as I was working.



- words & phrases -
あいにくの: too bad, it’s a pity
曇(くも)り: cloudy, overcast
残念(ざんねん)ながら: unfortunately
あまり+Verb negative: not really
雲(くも): clouds
~ようです: seems like, looks like
仕事中(しごとちゅう): at work


July 19, 2009

日食 (eclipse) on July 22nd (Wed) in Japan


みなさん こんにちは!

国立天文台 (National Astronomical Observatory of Japan)

You can see total eclipse of the sun in Japan southern area on July 22nd (Wed).
In Tokyo, partial eclipse starts from 10:00am till 12:30pm and 11:12 is the best.
It has been 46 years from the last one in 1963, the next will be in 26 years, 2035.
Hope the weather clears up!
By the way, it is very dangerous to see eclipse with black plastic sheet (used when you write) or CDs. Buy special glasses for eclipse (called Nisshoku Gurasu, 1500yen) to see it.



- words & phrases -
南方(なんぽう): south
皆既(かいき)日食(にっしょく): total eclipse of the sun
部分(ぶぶん)日食: partial eclipse of the sun
前回(ぜんかい): the last time
46年ぶり: it’s been 46 years since the last time
次回(じかい): the next time
26年後(ねんご): 26 years later
晴(は)れる: the weather clears up
~と+ いい(feeling): if the weather clears up, it would be nice
ところで: by the way
~ために: for
下敷(したじ)き:a sheet of plastic which is placed under a sheet of paper when one is writing
使うのは危険です: using it is dangerous
日食グラス: sunglasses which are made specially for eclipse
見(み)るようにする: try to see it
日食グラス(Nisshoku Gurasu) : Glasses to see eclipse


July 17, 2009


みなさん こんにちは!

One of our school’s students came late for his lesson yesterday because of his work.
I said to him “Your teacher has been waiting for you.”
Then he replied “I’ll have to make it up to her sometime.”
I felt his Japanese was very natural and very good.
Lots of students who take JLPT only think to pass it.
But even if they can pass 1kyu or 2kyu, it doesn’t make any sense if he/she cannot have a natural conversation with native Japanese speakers.
JLPT is not the purpose but results of your study, I think.


- words & phrases -
昨日(きのう): yesterday
1級(きゅう)を受(う)ける予定(よてい)の生徒(せいと)さん: a student who will take JLPT 1kyu
仕事(しごと)のため: because of his work
遅(おく)れてきた: he was late
待(ま)っていました: has been waiting for
今度(こんど): next time, sometime
埋(う)め合(あ)わせをする: make it up
自然(しぜん)で上手(じょうず): natural and very good
テストに受(う)かる: to pass the test
~だけ考(かんが)えている: thinking only ~
受かっても: even if you can pass the test
会話(かいわ)ができないなら: if you cannot have a conversation, then…
あまり意味(いみ)がない: it doesn’t make scence
結果(けっか): result


July 15, 2009

ドラゴンクエスト 9

みなさん こんにちは!!

11日(土)から「ドラクエ」の愛称で知られるゲームソフト「ドラゴンクエスト9 星空の守り人」が発売された。
渋谷TSUTAYA の先頭に並んだ人は、9日(金)午後1時から並んだそうだ。
MSN News

- words and phrases -
ドラクエ: ドラゴンクエスト Dragon Quest (computer game software)
星空(ほしぞら): starry sky
守(まも)り人(びと): someone who protects something
発売(はつばい)された: go on sale
人気(にんき): popular
5年(ねん)ぶり: it’s been 5 years since
最新作(さいしんさく): brand-new
全国(ぜんこく) : throughout the country
長蛇(ちょうだ)の列(れつ): long queue (like a snake)
渋谷(しぶや) : Shibuya, one of the major cities in Tokyo
先頭(せんとう): the lead
先頭に並(なら)んだ人(ひと): (noun modification) the one who in the lead of the queue
2日間(ふつかかん)で: within the two days
234万本(まんぼん): 2,340,000 copies
売上(うりあげ): sales
達成(たっせい)した: achieved

Do Japanese love to queue?
Starting form 11th (Sat), a computer game software knows as “Dra-Que” , "Dragon Quest 9 Hoshizora no Mamoribito” is released.
It has been 5 years from the last one, many people in long queues.
At TSUTAYA in Shibuya, the first person in the queue started to wait at the store from 9th (Fri) at 1pm.
They announced that there are 2.34 million copies were sold for the first two days.  

July 13, 2009

Today is the Yahoo 360 last day.

みなさん こんにちは!!

Today is the Yahoo 360 last day.
I have been there for little over 2.5 years and total page viewers excesses 531,000.
I didn’t expect that it would be successful when I started in 2006 Oct.
I owe my success to everyone there.
I couldn’t write if I didn’t have any comments or questions from the readers.

It is sad Yahoo suddenly stopped this service with such a short notice and made all of the Yahoo Bloggers move to other houses.

I wish you the best of luck!

I will keep wiring my Blog here!

July 12, 2009

what is your motivations for writing your blogs???

みなさん こんにちは!!

Why or what is your motivations for writing your blogs???

Here is the answers from 500 bloggers (multiple answers allows) :
MSN News

① motivations for writeing Blogs?

1. as a diary / not to forget for myself = 64.2%
  日記として / 自分が忘れないように
2. fun / like it / interesting = 55.2%
  楽しいから / 好きだから / おもしろいから
3. want to know someone who has the same interests or thoughts = 47.8%

② Regarding gender :

male = social perspective, for lots of people, want to provoke debate, want to get an attention
男性 = 社会的な視点による、多くの人へ、議論を起こしたいから、話題になりたい
female = for the same interests and to someone I know like friends or classmates
女性 = 同じ趣味の人・友達やクラスメートなど知っている人へ

③ Blog update : 

a couple of times per week = 34.4%
There are about 10% of women and teenagers write their blogs several times a day.

- words & phrases -
作成(さくせい): to make
動機(どうき): motivation
回答(かいとう): answers
複数(ふくすう)かいとう: multiple answers allows
日記(にっき): diary
忘(わす)れないように: ~ないようにする try not to ~
趣味(しゅみ): hobbies
考(かんが)え方(かた): the ways of thoughts
性別(せいべつ): gender
男性(だんせい)・女性(じょせい): male, female
社会的(しゃかいてき)な: social
視点(してん): aspect, point of view
議論(ぎろん): debate
議論を起(お)こす: to start debate
話題(わだい): topic of conversations
更新(こうしん): update
数回(すうかい): few times, several times
10代(だい): someone who is in their teenage
約(やく): about, around

What is yours?  :)


July 10, 2009

映画 Hachiko: A Dog s Story

みなさん こんにちは!!


- words & phrases –
東京(とうきょう)渋谷(しぶや): Shibuya, Tokyo

銅像(どうぞう): bronze statue
今(いま)では: in today’s environment, as it is now
有名(ゆうめい)な待(ま)ち合(あ)わせの場所(ばしょ): famous meeting spot
飼(か)い主(ぬし): master
仕事(しごと)の帰(かえ)り: back from work
亡(な)くなる: die
映画化(えいがか)される: be made into a film
公開(こうかい)される: be released, be shown, coming out
主演(しゅえん): main actor, lead, star
行(おこな)われる: takes place
初対面(はつたいめん)する: to meet first time

movie photos
Trailers & Clips

Do you know “Hachiko” dog statue at Tokyo Shibuya station?
It is a very famous meeting spot now.
“Hachiko” was a dog that waited his master returned from his work at Shibuya station every day in 1920s.
And even “Hachiko” waited for about 10 years after his master died.
“Hachiko” story was made into a film in Japan and a Hollywood remake of it will be shown in next month.
Richard Gere stars in the film.
There was a ceremony of the film at Shibuya station on July 7th, Richard Gere meets “Hachiko” first time.

MSN News

July 8, 2009

「ネトゲ廃人」 someone who is addicted to online games so that he cannot live normally

みなさん こんにちは!!


増える「ネトゲ廃人」 退学、退社、離婚…それでも「やめられない」
2009.6.30 18:34
MSN News, rewrite)


- words & phrases -
参加(さんか)する: to participate
健全(けんぜん)な生活(せいかつ): healthy life
ネトゲ: ネットゲーム
廃人(はいじん): someone who cannot live normal life
ネトゲ廃人: someone who is addicted to online games so that he cannot live normally
ネット上(じょう)で: on the Internet
昼夜(ちゅうや)逆転(ぎゃくてん): day-night reversal
退学(たいがく):flunk out of the school
退職(たいしょく):quit a job
離婚(りこん): divorce
最近(さいきん): these days
小学生(しょうがくせい): elementary school kids
管理(かんり)する: to manage, to control
心配(しんぱい)されている: (passive) to be concerned

The number of people who plays “Online Games (Net Games)” for long hours who cannot live healthy lives are increasing.
Which is the shocking name for them and they live day-night reversal so that are kicked out of school or office, or it cause divorce.
Elementary school kids are increasing to play it and concerned about they cannot control their money or time.

July 7, 2009

七夕(たなばた) Tanabata (Star Festival)

みなさん こんにちは!!

Today, July 7th, is
It is the day for Orihime and Hikoboshi are allowed to meet each other once a year.
legend is originally from China.

They, Orihime and Hikoboshi, used to be hard workers but they stop working since they got married because they got along too well.
The king to angry and separated them to the east and the west by the Milky River.
However, the king said if they would work hard again, he let them meet once a year on the Tanabata night. They look forward to the night and started to work again.

In Japan, people write wishes on paper strips and decorate bamboo branches to celebrate their reunion since
Heian Era (794-1185).
There are Tanabata festivals in many different places.

Women dressed in Yukata at Tanabata


- words & phrases -
七夕(たなばた): Tanabata, Star legend,
許(ゆる)されている日:(passive, noun modification) the day they are allowed to meet each other
もともとは: originally
中国(ちゅうごく)の物語(ものがたり): Chinese story/legend
働(はたら)き者(もの): hard worker
仲(なか)が良(よ)すぎる: (~すぎる too much)
they get along so well
全然(ぜんぜん): at all
働(はたら)かなくなりました: (~なります become~) became not to work
天(あま)の川(がわ): Milky Way
別(わか)れさせました: (causative) made them apart
一生懸命(いっしょうけんめい): hard, one’s very best, eagerly
1年(ねん)に1度(ど): once a year
許(ゆる)す: permit
~を楽(たの)しみにする: look forward to ~
平安時代(へいあんじだい): Heian era 794-1185
短冊(たんざく): paper strip
願(ねが)い事(ごと): wish
笹(ささ): bamboo grass
飾(かざ)る: decorate
再会(さいかい): reunion
お祝(いわ)いする: celebrate
色々(いろいろ)な: various
お祭(まつ)り: festival

July 5, 2009


みなさん こんにちは!!

今日、7月5日はJLPT(Japanese Language Proficiency Test)です。

Today, July 5th, JLPT takes place only in Japan, Taiwan and Korea.
There are two times in a year from this year.
Good luck to all your readers!
From the data of pass rate from 2006 to 2008, the hardest one is 2007 and the easiest one is 2006.
I wonder how difficult this year is.

2008, 2007 JLPT data


July 4, 2009

How to read 「日本」?

みなさん こんにちは!!

You must be surprised to hear this news.
On June 30th, how to read 「日本」 is approved in a Cabinet meeting, either “Nihon” and “Nippon” is fine.
There is no need to be standardized because both of them are widely used.

MSN News

- words & phrases -

政府(せいふ): government
閣議(かくぎ): a Cabinet meeting
決定(けってい)した: decided
いずれも: each one of them
通用(つうよう)する: be accepted
一方(いっぽう): one side
統一(とういつ)する: to unify, to standardize, to consolidate
必要(ひつよう): necessity

July 2, 2009

富士山 Mt. Fuji, 2009


みなさん こんにちは!!

We will read an Internet news today.

富士山 7月1日の山開きに登頂できず…残雪多く

Yahoo news

- words and phrases -

山開(やまびら)き : to start the climbing/hiking mountain season
Mt. Fuji officially opens on July 1st and close on Aug. 31st.
登頂(とうちょう) : to reach the summit
~できず: cannot
残雪(ざんせつ): remaining snow
山梨県(やまなしけん): Yamanashi prefecture
同県側(どうけんがわ): from the side of its (Yamanashi) prefecture
発表(はっぴょう)した: announced
静岡県(しずおかけん): Shizuoka prefecture
3年連続(れんぞく)で: 3 years in row
決(き)まっており: 決まっていて it was decided
97年以来(いらい): since year 1997
12年ぶり: after 12 years

You cannot climb to the top of Mt. Fuji on July 1st, the day of the opening day due to remaining snow.
Yamanashi prefecture announced on 29th, it is not be able to climb Mt. Fuji from Yamanashi prefecture side on July 1st due to heavy remaining snow.
Either form Shizuoka prefecture side, it has been already decided not to climb.
It has been 12 years you cannot climb on the summit on the opening day since 1997.


