June 29, 2009

Google Sites


Minasan Konnichiwa!

I have been thinking about having a website which is mainly about Japanese grammars and also keep blogging which is about recent news.

Because Yahoo 360 is just a blog so it is not well organized when you want to look up old grammar entries.

But I just haven’t had chances to try because I am always busy.
Since Yahoo 360 closes on July 13th, I thought this is the best time to do it.

And actually Google started a new service, Google Sites, free webpage and for someone doesn’t know well about how to create webpage like me :)

So I have been working on my Google Sites but still I need some more time.
I could import almost all grammar points and now importing news section.

It does not look great yet, but if you would like to take a look at it, you are more than welcome !
You can see all entries when you go to the “Site Map” and click “サイトマップ".


June 28, 2009

目で勉強する人 &  耳で勉強する人 One who study with his eye or with his ear


みなさん こんにちは!!

I have noticed that there are two different types of students, one is to study Japanese with their ears and the other one is with their eyes.

Some students are very good at conversation but some of them do not like Kanji so much.
I was always surprised how much people can study languages only with their ears.
When I introduce an upper intermediate level textbook which I thought suits him who speaks very good Japanese but find out he cannot read most of the Kanji in it.
He doesn’t have any problems when he listens the CDs which come with the book.

On the other hand, some people love to study Kanji so he knows very difficult Kanji.
Again his conversation level doesn’t reach his Kanji level.

Teachers expect all of the skills, read/speak/listen/write, of Japanese languages are the same.
Hope you study everything and keep the balance well.


June 26, 2009

Japanese sweets

Minasan Konnichiwa!

I have “How to of the day” on my “iGoogle” and found out this morning there is “
How to make Strawberry Mochi Daifuku (Japanese sweet)”.
I felt “why now?” because strawberry's season is over.

Japan is an agricultural country which grows rice from ancient of time.
Sowing seeds in the Spring, transport them into rice fields in the Summer and harvest in the Autumn.
The life in Japan, all of the events in the year take place accordance with rice growing schedule.
This is why the sense of season is still close to Japanese people and culture.
We are expecting see something in its season, for example, we would like to see something related strawberries in spring but not in June.

Having said that, this いちご大福 looks nice and tasty.
Maybe you should try it if you had a chance to come to Japan in spring! but not in June :)


June 24, 2009


Minasan Konnichiwa!


words & phrases

一般的に: generally
~と言われている: it is said that ~
犯罪: criminals
~のように: looks like ~
毎日のように: almost everyday
警察: police
ひったくり: purse snatching
犯行: crimes
映像: video
公開する: to release


Generally speaking, Japan is a safe country.
But there are small criminals almost every day.
The Police department releases a video which captures a “purse-snatching” in this month.
Please be careful when you come to Japan!

June 23, 2009

父の日 (Father's day)


Since I have been working on my Blog and website, this news became a bit old one.
Last Sunday was Father’s day, did you do something special for your father?

At Mitsukoshi Nagoya Department store offers
a special service for female customers when the store opens for focusing on “father’s day”.

There are about 50 good looking male sales reps are standing at the entrance welcoming female customers, which is called イケメンロード (ikemen-road).

“Ikemen” is a fairly new word expressing “good looking” which is a combination words with “いけてる(iketeru)” + “めん(men)”.
“Iketeru” means cool and attractive, “men” has double meaning; one is English word “men” and Japanese word “face”.

Men’s cloths are susceptible to economic recession because wives often buy their husbands cloths so the department targets wives “heart”.




“いけてる”はかっこよくて魅力的(みりょくてき)の意味(いみ)、”メン”は英語の “men”と日本語の”面(men=face)”の2つの意味がある。


words & phrases

~に向けて: for ~
提供する: offer
~時: at the time of ~
魅力的な: attractive, charming
代わりに: instead of, alternatively
紳士服: men’s cloths
不況: recession
影響: influence
影響を受ける: (passive) influenced, affected

June 22, 2009


Minasan Konnichiwa!

I have moved to Google Blog from Yahoo 360.
Hope you will keep reading my new Blog!

I am working on creating my Google Sites too :


Have a nice day!