December 12, 2009

Asahi Super Dry in the UK


JLPT has finished, finally you can drink good beer.
I heard from our students that popular beers among non-Japanese are Yebisu and Asahi Super Dry.
Super Dry contains 5% alcohol which is higher than other old beer, tastes refreshing.
Its share keeps growing since it started to sell in 1987 and exceeded 50%.
Its taste fit for adults becomes popular as well in the UK, the sales volumes increased 30 times compare to the first year that was begun to sell.
Also pubs that sell Super Dry became 500, which is 50 times to 2004.
MSN News



- words & phrases -

おいしく: おいしい(adjective) → おいしく(adverb)
popular Japanese people among non-Japanese ( noun modification)
今(いま)まで日本にあったビールと比(くら)べて: to compare to the beer that has been before
アルコールが5%と高(たか)く: 高い(adjective) → 高く(adjective connective)
さっぱり: refreshing flavors that do not linger unpleasantly
販売(はんばい)が始(はじ)まってから: since it started to go on sale
伸(の)び続(つづ)ける: continuing to grow
50%を超(こ)えた: exceeded 50%
~を扱(あつか)う: deal in ~
大人(おとな)の味(あじ): tastes for adults
人気(にんき)になる: becomes popular
現地(げんち): the place (in the UK in this context)
発売(はつばい): release
当時(とうじ): at that point, at that time
販売量(はんばいりょう): volume of sales

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